Thursday, November 23, 2017

Lost The Sunshine And Found Twenty Pence

Back home again and already the memories of the sun, sand, heat and music that make up the tropical cocktail of the Caribbean are beginning to fade behind the greyness of a British November.

As well as some completely unearned relaxation, I did manage to get another chapter of a project that is so old it still has the working title of "The Great Novel Of The Twentieth Century" completed. Over a malt whisky or three too many, late at night in one of the many pleasant bars on board our ship, I also publicly pledged to complete the project before I reach my seventieth birthday.

This milestone seemed a long way away as we sailed from tropical island to tropical island, but in the cold, cloud-covered light of a far from tropical West Yorkshire I realise it is only a little over six months away.

I will try and channel my limited creativity into finishing the book during the coming months, but such resolutions are rarely followed through and therefore the normal flow of pointless blogging will probably be uninterrupted.

Whilst on the subject of pointless blogging, the latest volume of my blog posts has been published and is now available on Amazon. At just £12.95 ($17.79) and benefiting from free postage if you are an Amazon Prime member, it makes a perfect present for those difficult to please people who have everything they could possibly want (i.e. something they wouldn't want!) And remember that for every copy sold (which so far, I believe, is 1) the author received almost twenty pence!

Antiquity And Modernity

I seem to remember - although it was almost sixty years ago - I was trying to capture the contrast between the antiquity of the statues in P...