Monday, April 22, 2024
Tunnel End
Weather Forecast
Here is the weather forecast for today .... and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that .....
Hastings Hats
Remembering Sheffield
Industrial Heights
Enoch & Betty
Uderpass Escape
They were a legacy of the 1960s, 70s and 80s, as redolent of the times as any pop anthem or cult movie. Underpasses were the pit shafts of their day - cold and heartless, an assault on common humanity, temples of a subterranean subculture.
Pigs Are Equal
Monday, April 15, 2024
A Lot Of Gas And Some Empty Chairs
You can decide which jet of nostalgia is turned on by this advert which I found in my copy of the 1931 Souvenir Book of the Historical Pageant of Bradford. Perhaps it is the vision of the perfect mother in her perfect lounge surrounded by her perfect children. Or maybe it is the time when you could say that gas was economical too, and keeps a straight, warm, face. For me it is the vague memory of each local authority having their own gas and electricity departments with show-rooms in the town or city centre.
My quest to find 1001 half decent photographs before I "clicked my shutter" finds me in Sheffield in 1980, walking through the park and discovering a strange geometric pattern created by empty seats in search of an audience.
Print Runs And Mucky Masters
Copies of my latest collection of social media posts have just arrived from the printers. Following the outstanding success of the last edition I have doubled the print run to 10 copies. The distribution model remains the same, however, a copy on my bookshelf, a copy for the grandkids and most of the rest will be deposited on the "free books" shelves at local supermarkets and pubs.
Who Needs People?
The distinctive shape of St John the Baptist's Church in Coley near Northowram. It's the isolation of the church that has always been its most distinguishing feature, it's almost as though it purposely shuns the company of houses and people. It's been a prominent local feature for over 500 years: who needs people?
The Parthenon Of Elland
It is the Parthenon of Elland. Every day, countless coaches deposit hordes of tourists eager to catch a glimpse of its classical lines. Souvenir shops crowd the surrounding narrow streets selling cheap plastic models of this iconic structure. it's a building dedicated to the gods of municipal pride and self-reliance. It is, of course, Elland Town Hall.
Friday, April 12, 2024
Kids And Drones
The photograph dates from 1948 and was taken outside our house in Great Horton, Bradford. My brother, Roger, is the one just below the letter box and I am not sure about the identity of the others. I was just about arriving in the world at the time the photo was taken. My question relates to the nature of change - what has changed in the intervening 75 years. Is it just the clothes and hairstyles that date it, or something more fundamental? Discuss.
Stone Faces And Stone Gods
Walking Snaps
Tuesday, April 09, 2024
Elland : Rowing Boats
Sunday, April 07, 2024
A Cuppa And Some Fish
It’s the first chapter in the story of fish and chips: a concrete palace lined with fish heads and ice. The photograph dates from the 1980s: a time when I would escape to the rare beauty of Cleethorpes and Grimsby Fish Docks whenever I got the opportunity.
Best Love : The Triumph Of Grey : Old And New And Glorious
Tuesday, April 02, 2024
Have Bed Ready And Look At A Town In Transition
The postcard dates back to the first decade of the 20th century and shows the Winter Gardens and Pier in Great Yarmouth. As is so often the case, the message on the back of the card is far more interesting than the somewhat crude image on the front. "Dear Mother, Just a line hoping you are quite well. Shall come home on Saturday night so please have bed ready as I shall retire early. I shall come home straight from Brixton after rehearsals, I expect about 11.00pm. Love to Dad, yourself and all, Yours, Bert"
1001 PHOTOS 29 : BRIGHOUSE IN TRANSITION : This photo of mine from the 1960s shows Brighouse from the hillside above Clifton. It captures the town in transition. Look carefully and you can still see working mills before they became apartments, and flour silos before they became climbing walls. You can also see new industry beginning to creep into the scene from the east,
Grain, Victory And Bovril
The original photograph was taken almost 60 years ago, somewhere in Scotland. As the years have gone by the original negative has faded, the grain has been pixilated, and the event has been turned into a memory. It remains, somewhere in Scotland.
Monday, April 01, 2024
1 April 2024 - Britannia : Rescanning : Covers
Excelsior Forgotten
This photo of my mother sat on my fathers' Excelsior motorbike dates, I think, from the 1940s. It was taken at our house on Southmere Dr...

Y ou can spend too long sat inside reading old newspapers and cataloguing old postcards. There comes a time in the affairs of man when he s...
Whilst 198392cjh is the only person/machine/computer programme to have provided feedback to my Daily Photo Blog (see "Apple Campers Bui...