Friday, December 20, 2024

Musical Conflagration

It must have been the same day as the "Fire In Halifax" photos I featured earlier this week as this image is on the same strip of negatives. This, however, is a musical conflagration courtesy of a brass band in People's Park, Halifax. By the look of things, the band outnumbered the audience.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Brutalist Geometry


I think I took this photograph in Kelvin Flats in Sheffield, but it was a very long time ago, and I never kept proper notes. So here I sit, 45 years later, trying to retrace my footsteps, which is a bit like trying to solve a problem in brutalist geometry.

Antiquity And Modernity

I seem to remember - although it was almost sixty years ago - I was trying to capture the contrast between the antiquity of the statues in P...