Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Happy Christmas To You All

A Happy Christmas : not from the Balkans but from News From Nowhere. The Christmas rush has already started and I am not sure that I will get too many opportunities to post to the Blog over the next few days. So I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a delightful New Year. The postcard comes from my collection and dates from 1917 when it was sent by a member of the Survey Company of the Royal Engineers to a Mr and Mrs Bailey of Godstone Road, Rotherham. There is no message other than the general greeting on the front of the card : but what further greeting could you want. A Happy Christmas to you all.


  1. Merry Christmas to you Alan and to your family! Wonderful old postcard:)

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family Alan!

    This postcard is great!
    Ho, ho, ho - Meeeery Christmas!

  3. Hello Alan:
    Well, Happy Christmas to you from [nearly] The Balkans!!

    A wonderful old postcard, what an interesting collection you must have.

  4. Great postcard. I once sent out Christmas cards that had been sent back in the '40's and '50's that I bought at an antique store. A type of recycling.

    Happy Christmas!

  5. wow wonderful postcard indeed and Merry Christmas to all at your feed.

  6. He probably looks happier than he felt; anyway, have a great Christmas and New Year.

  7. What a super neat postcard! Merry Christmas to you, dear Alan! xo

  8. Have a lovely Christmas with your family Alan and here’s to a great New Year for all us Sepia Saturdayers!

  9. And a very happy Christmas to you, Alan. Only you could come up with such a super postcard.

  10. This card could easily have been drawn from the Old West! I love it!

    (I didn't know you knew how to ride a - what is that? A donkey? A mule?)

    My very best to you and your GLW, Alan!

    Happy Christmas!


  11. Happy Christmas! I, too, was struck by how much the card looks like the wild west.

  12. A Merry Christmas and Glad Yule to you, Alan!

  13. Glædelig Jul from Hanne! Jolly Christmas from Michael!

  14. And a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  15. What a fabulous card. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012.

  16. P.S.
    And a big thank you to you and Kat for hosting Sepia Saturday in 2011.

  17. Happy Christmas Allan , to you and your family. I like the postcard. You made me read to find out if it was really a western card.

  18. Best wishes to you and yours, Alan, for a very Merry Christmas and New Year.

  19. A very Happy Christmas & New Year to you from Portland, Oregon (& Robert Frost's Banjo!)

  20. Happy Christmas, Alan. Have fun.

  21. A Happy Christmas To You & Yours Alan.
    By The Way.....I went to The Russian Tea Rooms in Bacup this afternoon with my Brother & Sister-in-Law.Recommended!

  22. And a Merry Winterval and a Happy Solstice to you and the GLW too, Alan. It's been a pleasure to read your posts this year, and I look forward to many more.

  23. Merry Christmas to you and yours, dear friend!

  24. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Really enjoyed this post, Alan. I like old postal cards. I liked this one because it shows a period of time probably before I was even born.

    Seems like the world is always fascinated by wars and rumors of wars and it must be every young man's dream to stand before his sweetheart decked out in his service uniform sporting a chest full of medals.

    I never got it and still don't though I did get a Korean Service Medal and a Good Conduct Medal.

    Merry Christmas to you, Alan, and to your family and a happy and healthy new year.

  25. Likewise, all the best to you!!
    See you in 2012!!

  26. Hope you had a great Christmas!


Grey And Great