Friday, November 18, 2016

A Tidy Room And A Tired Brain

I am still trying to come to terms with all that has been happening in the world this year - and I have decided that the most logical response is to tidy my room. I suspect that this might have been the genetic response to times of stress and danger of us Burnetts and Beanlands over the centuries. When the lights were going out all over Europe, Fowler Beanland probably sorted out his postcard collection. When Hitler's tanks pounded their way through the low countries, Enoch Burnett would have been tidying up his tool shed. 

During my bout of tidying, I rediscovered the pack of early snap cards produced by Spears Games. They are advertised as "a most diverting game with beautiful coloured cards of grotesque characters", and one card seemed to be particularly appropriate for the events of 2016. I will leave it up to you to identify the snake - there are enough potential candidates about.

Another discovery was an old advert for Sanaphos. I have not been feeling quite 100% recently and I have put it down to a cold (manflu).  But now I know what the problem is - I am suffering from a tired brain. Once I have rested it with a short afternoon nap, I will start trying to track down a supply of Sanaphos.


  1. Seems there's a Brexit link with Sanaphos - better than inferior German products...

  2. Tired brains all round! But, as you say, nothing that a spot of tidying won't fix. In the throes of divorce, I found myself impulse-buying a 'desk-tidy' - can't imagine why!

  3. "Reconstructive nerve food" Precious! Laughing. Glad to read your tidying up has brought you an adventure.
    In 1950s elementary school when we missed school, we need a note from our parents when we returned. Often my mother wrote for me, "Please excuse May, she had a case of the nerves." Strange because I didn't wasn't nervous at all.

  4. I'm sure Lord Peter Wimsey (or Death Bredon as he was styling himself at the time) wrote ads for nervy food in Murder Must Advertise.

  5. Bonanza. Tidy wins the day.

  6. And I Bet It Was Served in Dimpled Pint Glasses.Cheers!

  7. Yeah, the snake looks rather familiar...

  8. To clean house, to tidy up, to clear the decks. When we try to make sense out of disorder it is a very honorable calling in these times of stress. The world would be better if we all pitched in.

  9. Good analogy of cleaning and stress.

  10. I am looking on the bright side and hope "The change" will be good for America!
    What ever can we do about it anyway:(

  11. Tired brain. Well I know a few of us who are suffering from that.

  12. Yep I tidy when worried. What are you worried about? I watched the movie "That Sugar Movie" last night. Sugar is what gives us tired brains and 70% of foods contain sugar.


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