Friday, October 13, 2017

Sepia Saturday 389 : You've Got It Wrong Again!

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a little girl sat at a desk. My match is a little boy stood on a step - which may not sound like much of a match, but nevertheless it is appropriate for this particular time. The photograph was taken in 1946 at the photographic studios in Brown Muff's department store in Bradford, Yorkshire, and the subject is my brother, Roger.

What would normally happen at this point is that Roger would leave a comment to this post saying something like: "No, you have got it wrong again, that isn't me, it's you, and it wasn't in 1947 but 1950, and it was taken at the Busby's store, not Brown Muff's!" He has been sending such factual amendments to my family posts, from his home on the Caribbean island of Dominica, ever since Sepia Saturday started, more years ago than I can remember. It is unlikely, however, that there will be any factual corrections to this post in the immediate future, following the devastation brought to that small island by Hurricane Maria. 

I have not had direct contact with Roger since the night before Maria struck, some three weeks ago. He has managed to get a message to me via other members of the family that he is safe, but with no power and no running water, things are still very difficult on the island. I suspect it will be a good few months before there is any possibility of such things as internet access and emails being available to him again.

In the absence of his ever-welcome corrections, I will look at the photograph, think of him, send him all my very best wishes, and look forward to the day when a comment appears to this post saying: "No, Ali, you are mistaken yet again, that is in fact Uncle Harry in 1907, and it was taken at Jerome's studios".


  1. Sending best wishes to your brother Roger, which he will get when he eventually is able to read and correct your post, Whoever it is in your photo was a sweet little fellow.

  2. Glad to hear Roger is well -- I've seen so many comments here I feel I know him -- although I shudder to think of the rebuilding he no doubt has to do, whether it's physical repairs he has to make, or just adjusting to what will be a slow process of recovery. He sure was a cute little feller... or you were... or Uncle Harry was, or...

  3. I'm glad Roger was able to get a mesage to you- I hope he is well and that power is restored soon.

  4. Best wishes to your brother Roger and your family, too. It's always concerning when a relative is in harm's way, and Dominica suffered so severely. So wonderful that you chose to showcase him this week with an excellent childhood photo.

  5. If I were your brother, I would visit you personally at this point.

  6. Roger is a great match for the week.

  7. Only you, Alan, could turn a blog post into a virtual message in a bottle. Let's hope it floats across the etherwaves and finds your brother safe and well.

  8. Oh those poor little islands certainly took a beating. I can't imagine having to live like my ancestors for very long. I hope all the modern conveniences are restored soon so that Roger can send whatever corrections need to be made to this charming post.

  9. Whether the little boy is Roger, you, or Uncle Harry in whatever year, he's a charming little fellow with curls to match little Betty in the prompt picture so you're at least half on track there. Best of all wishes to your brother for things to return to normal as soon as possible!

  10. I thought it was you before I read below. May the people on the islands soon recover.

  11. My first reaction when I saw the lovely portrait was it must be you - that lovely smile, mop of curly hair - and my brother had a very similar coat made by my dressmaker mother. Then I read on! I am so pleased you at least have heard that Roger is safe, and hope that you hear more news soon.

  12. Very cute boy, whichever of you it may be. Sending same wishes as everyone else that Roger can get his life back to some semblance of this century soon.

  13. If you were going to predict a life story for the little boy in the photo you would never think of him on a Caribbean island with Maria bearing down.


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