Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sepia Saturday 390 : Gazing Back, Looking Forward

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a young girl stood outside a door. The image comes from a job-lot of old photographs I bought on eBay, so I have no idea who the girl is. My match, however, features two people I know very well indeed - my mother and father, Albert and Gladys Burnett.

I suspect that the photograph was taken in the mid 1930s when they would have both been in their early 20s. At one stage I thought that it might have been taken outside the new house they rented in Cooper Lane, Bradford, after they were married in 1936 - but it appears far too grand for that location. 

They did, however, go away most weekends - at first on their tandem bicycle, later on their motorbike - so the door and window probably belong to one of the boarding houses or small hotels they stayed in. They look young and they look happy: gazing back into the camera lens, looking forward to a future that would see them enjoy a further sixty-five years of married life.


  1. Sixty-five years. That's great, and kind of amazing.

  2. I imagine them gazing past the camera smiling at the girl standing on the patio opposite.

  3. They do indeed appear young and in love and is there a photo of Albert and Gladys on a tandem?

  4. How great that they traveled by tandem bike on their get-away weekends.

  5. Yes.a handsome couple,ready to face the World together.

  6. I'm intrigued by those hanging ties on your mother's clothing, not sure what they are attached to. I can't imagine she would have cycled away in that long straight skirt, but it is a lovely happy photograph.

  7. Wonderful photo and story about your parents. Was not aware tandem bikes were used for touring. You mom is very stylishly dressed -- from her head-hugging chapeau down to her shoes. The look so happy it's easy to see how they made a long, successful marriage.

  8. A lovely, happy-looking couple, indeed. And 65 years married! An admirable life lived well, I think!

  9. Finally getting to look at Sepia posts...enjoy your young parents' smiles captured before they had so many years together!

  10. Looking forward while we look backward. 65 years is a nice long time. I realize that I have an Albert and a Gladys in that generation of my family too. Names that aren't around as much these days.

  11. They obviously hadn't just arrived or prepared to leave on that motorcycle. Going out for the day?


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