Monday, August 05, 2019

A Pint At The Shibden Mill Inn

POSTCARDS FROM HOME : Shibden Mill Inn & Lake

There are few pleasanter spots to enjoy a pint of beer on a summers' evening than the Shibden Mill Inn, and that has been the case for the best part of two hundred years. This particular postcard dates from the early part of the twentieth century (the postmark is, I think, 1910) and shows the Inn complete with a boating lake. This lake was the old mill dam which had been used to power the mill wheel of the centuries-old corn mill. The old mill had closed during the nineteenth century and a beer house established in the millers' house. The dam-cum-boating lake was eventually drained in the early twentieth century, not too long after this photograph was taken.

The card was sent by Clara to her friend Lizzie Smith in Blackpool. It was posted in Queensbury in what looks like 1910. The message reads as follows:-

Dear Lizzie, Many thanks for the P.C. Glad you have thought of me. Weather here is beastly. Just had a card from Vi. I almost wish I had gone with you as there seems to be scarcely anyone left in Queensbury. Love to your Annie. Hoping to see you soon. With love from Clara.

Even though it was written over 100 years ago, the feelings expressed are familiar to us all. It is the middle of summer and all your friends have gone to the seaside on holiday. You are left back in Queensbury and the weather has turned beastly. There is no alternative Clara - get yourself down to the Shibden Mill Inn and enjoy a good pint.


  1. Pity the boating lake has gone. A pint and a row - wonderful.

  2. This is interesting!

    As a visitor attraction the Shibden Mill Lake predated the Sunny Buncers Pleasure Gardens located a couple of miles downstream.(

    The First Edition O.S. Map shows the lake as following the valley floor, rather then the more regular pattern of mill dams. The stream that fed the dam also fed the lakes at Sunny Buncers.

    Once again there are beautiful clinker built rowing boats in the picture. In the 1950's my good friend Eric Fleming built the last fleet of these classic boats for the Shibden Park Lake.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams