Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Study In Greys


A Study In Greys is by the British artist Walter Hayward-Young (1868-1920) who was also known by the pseudonym, "Jotter". During his artistic career he turned his hand to many different ways of exploiting his talents: he designed posters for organisations such as London Transport and produced a highly popular series of articles on sketching for The Girls Own Paper and Woman's Magazine. He is particularly famous, however, for the postcards which were based on his paintings which proved best sellers during the Great Postcard Craze of the first decade of the twentieth century. 

On the reverse of this postcard is printed the following description: "A Study In Greys, Sheffield. This picture was made on the way to Owlerton. The predominant colour of Sheffield is grey and the smoke overhangs the whole place like a huge pall. Still, within a few miles of the town, some of England's most lovely scenery is to be seen".

Sheffield no longer has a pall of smoke hanging over it, and the predominant colour of the city is anything but grey. The city has changed .... and still some of England's most lovely scenery can be seen within a fe miles of the city centre.

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