Saturday, August 21, 2021

Matching Moods On Sepia Saturday


I have been participating in the Sepia Saturday project for the best part of ten years and matching themes for most of that time. I have featured pictures of bridges to match bridges and pictures of my granny in a hat to coincide with hat week. After getting on for 600 weeks, however, I now match mood more often than matching objects. So my contribution to Sepia Saturday this week has nothing to do with cinemas or Turkish villages. For whatever reason, however, as I was leafing through my box full of found photos, found this tiny negative and held it up to the light, something told me that it would be a suitable match for this week's Sepia Saturday. Here it is ....

As with all my found photographs, I have no idea how it came into my possession, nor the time, the place or the subjects of the original shot. I can make guesses - lovers of old photographs develop a feel for time and place - and the car models always provide a general date-stamp.

Something happens when you click the shutter of a camera, and it doesn't matter if it is a Kodak Brownie or an iPhone 12 - a moment is captured along with a bag full of emotions. Some people might try to hide behind poses, others can't. It is that bag-full of emotions that make the photograph, irrespective of when it was taken or where it is set.

And if the mood match is too esoteric, or me just rambling on as I have been for the last ten years, you can take comfort from the fact that the tilt of the open boot reflects the angle of the cine projector.

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