Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Desktop Calendar : 31 July - 2 August 2023


This somewhat bizarre photographs dates back to September 2012 when I was involved in a deep discussion about the contending vales of randomness and organisation on my News From Nowhere blog. It took me quite a time to remember that each line of the poem was based on the title of each of my blog posts that week (they are still on-line I think). The card index box represented the triumph of the organiser. All I can think of now, looking back at it, is to wonder whether I ever filed away the lessons of life at the end of the decade.

It's Yorkshire Day and my calendar image today features a real Yorkshire scene. There are old stone walls, cobbled streets and even a street sign that saves a bob or two by having as few letters as a bad Wordle guess. Best of all, it's a pub - so let's raise a glass to Yorkshire Day.

"By Every Test A Drop Of The Best" : I must admit I like the slogan and if my memory serves me right, I seem to recall that I was rather fond of Whitakers beers. It is, however, an awfully long time ago. What I can't remember is the glass depicted in the advert - it looks a bit posh, even a bit southern, to me. I always associate glasses with handles from my time living down in the South-East. Northerners, I thought, would always sup from a plain glass: no frills, no finery, no handles.

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