Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Regularity and Rhododendrons

I have not been as regular as I would like to be - in the blogging department. Since returning from Spain things have been forming a disorderly queue in order to claim my attention and the flow of news from nowhere has suffered accordingly. I would like to promise that things will get better, but I suspect that it will be a couple of months before they do.

One big item of the agenda is the coming wedding of Alexander and Heather on the 21st June. Over the weekend we took our Scarborough cousins over to see the venue for the reception and the evening ceilidh which is Wortley Hall, midway between Sheffield and Huddersfield. The hall and the gardens were looking wonderful in the spring sunshine and the Rhododendron bushes were quite stunning in their size and colour.

I will try and post as frequently as I can, but I apologise in advance for the inevitable gaps and the lack of consistency. I also apologise if I do not manage to get around to all my favourite blogs as regularly as usual - I will catch up when I can.

And, of course, once the big day arrives, I will make sure that there are plenty of photographs for you to see.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    A busy time for you and your family, Alan. Will look forward to reading your posts, as and when they turn up!

  2. Echoing the above and adding those rhododendrons are magnificent!

  3. Well that looks like a marvelous place to tie the knot! I imagine there are many duties for you before the lad gets married! Beautiful grounds...and those Rhododendrons are spectacular:)

  4. Weddings; they used to be relatively cheap events, but now .........

  5. Anonymous5:14 PM

    As one who has been VERY irregular in this department in recent months, I can heartily recommend virtual All-Bran.

  6. Fingers crossed for the weather. I remember a hot day 25 years ago in Stocksbridge....

  7. WOW! What a lovely photograph. I had no idea that Oklahoma City was that beautiful (!).


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...