Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Light Rather Than Dark, Compositions Not Constitutions

Railway Viaduct, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield. September 2014
I went out and took some photographs today. It is the first time in over a month: the first time since my eyes got infected and Isobel's gut got twisted. It was nowhere special; just Milnsbridge on the far side of Huddersfield (which is special, I suppose, if you come from Milnsbridge). The little expedition was, however, a sign that things are getting back to normal, a sign that I can allow myself the luxury of doing insubstantial things: worrying about light rather than dark, compositions rather than constitutions. Things are on the mend and what they need now is a little push in the right direction. It's time for that holiday, It's time to catch the sun. Off to the seaside, back soon (now where have I heard those words before!)


  1. So good to hear that you and the GLW are both well on the mend. I'm sure I haven't been the only one in blogland to be thinking of you, and wishing you well. A spell in the sun sounds just what the doctor ordered.

  2. Glad to see that things are improving.

  3. Whew! You're back. I was getting worried!

  4. I too am so glad to hear this. Hope you both enjoy a much-needed and relaxing holiday.

  5. Good to see you back here on my computer screen...and I send same wishes as others that you enjoy the lighter side of life for a while now!

  6. Great that things are starting to go back to normal.

  7. And a great photograph, too; one that demands black and white.

  8. So glad to hear that you are both improving. I hope this time you will have an enjoyable holiday.

  9. Lovely image. Enjoy yourselves.

  10. A great photograph. Time for that holiday - go for it!

  11. I hope you make it to the seaside this time! Take good care Alan! :)

  12. A fantastic capture, love the composition. Take care of yourself and enjoy that break!


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