Tuesday, October 21, 2014

No News From Nowhere Is Good News From Nowhere

Isobel and I received an e-mail from my brother yesterday checking up on our recovery from the various ailments that have beset us over the last few months. Even though we live on other sides of the world we tend to keep up with each others' lives by reading the others' blog - Roger's excellent blog is Sculpture Studio - and referring to the absence of posts on my blog over the last couple of months he wrote, "I assume that no News From Nowhere is good News From Nowhere". And, generally speaking, he is right. Isobel continues to recover from her emergency surgery and is doing remarkably well considering the scale of the operation. The date by which she can resume a little light housework seems to be continuously pushed back, and the amount of shopping therapy she has to undertake seems to increase in inverse proportion, but other than that she is doing very well. In a few weeks she should be able to drive again which means that my services as a retail chauffeur will no longer be needed, and I will have to find some other way of spending my time. 

My eye was recovering very well but over the last few days it has flared up again so it looks like a further course of poking, prodding, dropping, cleaning and waiting will be called for. We did, however, manage to get away on holiday and we had a splendid time with calm seas, good company, fine food, and soothing drink. My picture was taken as we sailed past some of the lovely little islands off the coast of Montenegro.I will use my "Picture Post" blog to feature some of my other recent photographs over the next few months.

With the holiday over and things return to some kind of Autumnal normality, it is time to return to my usual pattern of blogging. It is time to set aside blog posts which are little more that health bulletins or bleating essays in studied self-pity. News from Nowhere can now return to being obsessed with the inconsequential and, as far as my personal well being is concerned, please assume that no news of it is good news of it.


  1. Wondered where you'd been - sorry to hear about the ailments and wish you both all the best for a speedy return to retailing and blogging (or whatever). Wonderful photograph!

  2. Good to see you posting again, best wishes for continued recovery for you both.

  3. Glad to hear Izzy is recovering by using shopping therapy! And hope your eye continues to improve. Your photo is wonderful....sounds like a holiday at sea was exactly what the doctor ordered! Xo

  4. Glad to hear you both are recovering, however slowly, although I hope the current prodding, etc., on the eye isn't serious. I can empathize; my right kidney has been causing all kinds of ruckus with me over the last two weeks. Aging really can be a pain!

  5. Such a photo. Only the bird is in sharp relief.
    Returning good health is wonderful.

  6. So glad you're both getting better, hope your eye blip is only a blip. Glad you enjoyed a good holiday too. I've had family health problems to worry about over the last two weeks, though my daughter is now recovering. I will be glad when things get back to 'normal' too.

  7. What a lovely photo. I kinda liked your health bulletins...we are all getting older Alan so you have a rapt audience! I hope your eye problems are fixed swiftly:)

  8. Beautiful sunset. Now don't go mad now you're both feeling a little better. Take it gently!

  9. Happy to hear things are relatively improved.

  10. I've missed meeting here! Happy to read that things are getting better, and so sorry for all the woes, for you both. Onward to better days, take good care, hope to see more of you!

  11. What a gorgeous photo. I’m so glad you managed some R&R and I hope the eye doesn’t give too much trouble.

  12. Continued good wishes for your respective recoveries and I'm glad you could get a holiday in.


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