Wednesday, November 12, 2014

At The Snap Of A Digital Finger

Buried deep within an old family photograph is this busy beach scene. It is likely to be the Yorkshire coast, probably Scarborough or Bridlington, and the styles and shapes all point to the 1930s. Nobody took this photograph - it is a by-product of a snap of sleeping Uncle Harry. But the watchers and the deckchair sitters and even the hefty horse have been waiting around for eighty or so years, waiting to be rediscovered, ready to be re-awakened at the snap of a digital finger.


  1. And I thought beaches were mobbed these days! Of course our beaches don't have those lovely folding chairs, and would be full of lots of oiled skin (except maybe in the colder weather). These folks look so funny, especially those dosing away!

  2. Hmmmm... A bit too crowded for me. I like my beaches with less humans and more wildlife, preferably feathered. That many people crammed together on a beach like that even *looks* uncomfortable!

  3. Wow, I'm with Roy on the size of the crowd!

  4. Yes it's amazing to see all those people crammed onto a beach and the weather doesn't even look very nice.

  5. What a marvelous find. It seems so crowded that one would not want to go the beach. I certainly would think twice about bringing my horse. I don't think I had seen a beach until I went to visit a brother who was by the Pacific. It was not crowded but it was too cold not to wear clothes for warmth. 1965 and awestruck ot the size of the body of water.

  6. I wonder what became of all those hopes and dreams. What a wonderful snap. But I do agree the beach is a little crowded!

  7. Just how is that horse going to get out without waking people up and moving chairs? He looks like he's harnessed for hauling a cart too. Is he in service for life guard duty?

    I think the gregarious quality we see in antique photos of parades, fair grounds, holiday resorts, etc. is a reflection of how reclusive our lives have become in the 21st century. I'm beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable posting my comment so close to all these foreigners too.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...