Tuesday, June 16, 2015

An Hiatus Hernia Around The Metaphorical Corner

The Lad and the GLW Enjoying The English Countryside
It is summer and the sun is out. It is a time to walk in the country rather than sit in a darkened room scanning the past, moaning about the present and dreading the future. It is a time to pack a small suitcase and set off to see what is around the metaphorical corner. We will be away for a couple of weeks and there will be a bit of an hiatus as far as News From Nowhere is concerned. But, along with death and taxes (you can remove the latter from the list if you can afford to employ an expensive corporate accountant), the one thing you can be certain about is that summer is the shortest of seasons in this fair isle - so I will be back very soon.

Reverse of Carte De Visite by G B Bradshaw, Altrincham

I will be taking my camera with me and hopefully the sun will stay out long enough for me to take one or two photographs of Shropshire, Gloucestershire and East Yorkshire (all on our itinerary). If the British climate returns to type, I may give the new process used by G B Bradshaw & Co a try as it enables good photographs to be taken in any weather.

Swing Bridge : Quay Street. Huddersfield Broad Canal
Whilst walking along the canal towpath the other day I couldn't resist taking a photograph of the magnificent old swing bridge at Quay Street, Huddersfield. The massive cast iron counterweights dominate the scene with their proud inscriptions. Such counterweights will have been a blessing for generations of canal people, allowing them to lift the bridge without doing themselves a mischief and getting an hernia. See you all soon.


  1. Enjoy your holiday and thanks as always for the interesting photos.

  2. Do visit if passing by!

  3. Enjoy your trip, this photo sure announces that spring has more than sprung is one must absorb as much summer as you can before it slips away, absolutely true! Hubby and I were just saying that over the weekend, why is that summer escapes us so quickly?

  4. Happy travels, Alan!

  5. I am looking for that corner as I want to go around it soon. Enjoy the great getaway and I do hope the weather is good. We have been having monsoons for a week now and must maybe where you are they won't be the same this time. The sun filled photo looks really wonderful to me. Have a great adventure keep the camera handy at all times.

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  8. Hope you have a lovely time and that summer (such as it is) remains in place for a week or two.

  9. Have a good trip...raise a few pints! :)

  10. Don't blink or you might miss summer. Honestly, though, I hope you have good weather for your get away.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...