Friday, May 06, 2016

Post Election Nightmares

It is the morning after a day of local and regional elections here in the UK

I was walking the dog this morning - actually she was walking me but that is another story - when I came across a sign advertising a polling station in the middle of the road. A polling station nobody could get to without daring to cross the busy highway. A polling station which did nothing but tell you to slow down in your quest to achieve a fairer, more equitable society. A polling station nobody ever bothered to visit. It was like a strange dream - a mild nightmare. And I came home and went on-line to check if any of the Council results were in yet for Kirklees or Calderdale. And I found this diagram. It was like a strange dream - an awful nightmare.


  1. It seems to be the trend in the western world. A fear of terrorists maybe??

  2. Really 100% Con??? No-one even voted UKIP?

    Did you catch the big news about Barnet? They provided every single polling station with the wrong electoral roll and loads of people who went to vote first thing were turned away including someone I actually know (this sort of thing usually happens to other people or friends of friends who you haven't ever met). They sorted it out by the time the Chef & I voted. But three pieces of paper and four places to vote made the whole experience very confusing.

  3. That is a nightmare and one that just may prevail in the US, I'm afraid. Fear, anti-intellectualism, ignorance, narcissism...Maybe all of these. No-one of any stripe dares discuss principles, ideals, policies or plans to improve anything. What a mess.

  4. They Must Have Got The Graph From The B.B.C. ?


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