Friday, June 24, 2016

Sepia Saturday 336 : Walls Are Easy Things To Mount (Hopefully)

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week brings to a conclusion the A to Z of themes we have been running this year and it features a young baby sleeping ('zzzzzz). Following the referendum results here in the UK, much as I feel inclined to take to my bed for a decade or so, I am trying my best to cut myself off from reality (if 52% of electors can do it, why shouldn't I?) and think sepia thoughts. My submission for Sepia Saturday 336 is a postcard from the collection of my great uncle, Fowler Beanland. For all those in whatever country who seem inclined towards the building of walls, it reminds us that "walls are easy things to mount".

So, although I have not been able to find sleeping babies, I can at least contribute a sleeping Aunty. And, as I am feeling generous, as we have a sleeping Aunty, why not throw in a sleeping Uncle as well. Here is a picture of Uncle Harry, enjoying a little nap on the beach at what looks like Scarborough.

Returning to that little verse on the postcard, maybe "Fond embraces, a la squeeze" is just the kind of thing we should be offering to the rest of Europe at the moment.



  1. Brilliantly done Alan! Bravo Amigo!

  2. Different times eh? All those people sitting on the beach with all their street clothes on. Of course I have similar photographs of Grandpa (known to Katie & Jane as Tommy) on the beach in his work suit and hat. I don't think he owned what one might term "casual" clothes his entire life.
    I am sick at the stupidity and waste of the situation. Not so much surprised at the result but at my despair at the result. But you know, there probably will always be another crisp even if I have to get myself a visa to visit foreign climes in search of something special. Amazing how the lure of the blog stops me fretting too much at real life. If you can call it real.

  3. Cute card & verse; and uncle doesn't seem to be the only one sleeping on the beach. As for the results of the recent vote over there - we're facing one over here in November that could have an unimaginable result - and I don't mean a woman president.

  4. But for those of profound ignorance, most walls are easy to mount. Love the postcard and glad you had a good trip.

  5. Sometimes all we can do is take a long nap and hope things will be better tomorrow. Or maybe next year.

  6. Yes, it looks like the same distinctive building in the distance that can be seen in our matching Scarborough beach scenes.

  7. I couldn't believe it when I awoke right here in the UK. What a crazy outcome. And those who voted for it were the older ones who ought to have been much wiser. It just hurts so many people and likely will benefit very few. It is a global world now. Fragmented nations make little sense but to weaken rather than strengthen themselves. The cost of leaving will be enormous.
    People at the beach without sunscreen and bathing suits is funny now. So is the sleeping aunt .

  8. Aside from Britain's dilemna thanks for the chuckle.

  9. But Sepia Saturday will still go on I hope. Love the sleeping aunt and uncle in the deck English.

  10. I wonder if the chairs are rented to people that want to sit/snooze on the beach? Or free perhaps?
    I'm with La Nightingail, it's very scary over here in America too right now. Though, I couldn't believe the news about the UK referendum and the PM's resignation when I heard yesterday. Yikes!

  11. Your beach chair crowd must have been waiting for something to happen! And it must have been a boring wait.

    The majority still rules, I was wondering what your take was on the situation. Sounds like not much will change for two years.

    The world is changing all around us...I think I would like to fade into that beach scene and have a nap too:)

  12. Very clever. Deepest sympathy over the vote. Uncle Harry would be great on a long distance flight where he'd have just about as much room as he has in that beach chair.

  13. Thanks for sharing these wonderful images Alan.
    And while we're on the subject of elections we in Australia have one coming up next weekend but we seem to have two major parties that both want the middle ground but for no good reason we've changed PMs so often in the last decade so it's hard to get excited.

  14. Great to see folks can enjoy some zzz's, though I dare say Auntie was just posing because she had also been young and in love once...if I'd been the artist I'd have let her peak out of one eye to keep track of things. So the Brits and US are going through some new changes, with surprisingly an attempt to regain the bad old days. We will all find out how that works out unfortunately!

  15. I'm always fascinated by beaches where everyone is lined up in chairs. It's as if it's a movie theater and they're there to watch the show. And like a bad movie people often fall asleep.


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