Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Bumpers All! To Peace And Goodwill!

All my good intentions to devote some time to my blogging activities before Christmas have been buried under a pyroclastic flow of wrapping paper, greetings cards, and miscellaneous seasonal duties. Good intentions have now been postponed until the new year. All that remains is for me to find a glass of something suitably refreshing and raise it, as I wish you all the very best seasonal greetings. As Mr Punch so eloquently put it; "Bumpers All! To Peace And Goodwill"


  1. And a Merry Christmas to you too, Alan.

  2. A Glad Yule and a Happy New Year to you, Alan! You remind me that I need to go pick up a couple of bottles of my favorite Cabernet Sauvignon so I can toast you properly. Heh, heh!

  3. A very fitting way to receive season's greetings, same to you and yours too!

  4. And a Merry Christmas to you.

  5. May your chosen drink be refreshing and the holidays joyous ones. I enjoy following your posts. All the best in 2017 then.

  6. Happy Christmas and New Year to you!

  7. Marry Christmas and Happy New year.


    storify lola
    storify week

  8. Happy Christmas, Alan.

  9. Peace, love, and joy to you, Alan.
    And I hope Fraulein Germany cheers up in the new year.

  10. It would be nice to have peace and goodwill world wide. Happy New Year.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...