Friday, December 02, 2016

Sepia Saturday 346 : Happy Christmas Roger

The wonderful thing about the theme image for Sepia Saturday 346 is that it is so full of potential prompts: you can find a link to almost anything within it. To test the theory out, I closed my eyes and dipped into the un-scanned family photo box to see what came out. 

And what came out was a photograph of my brother Roger and myself which must, I suspect have been taken in the early 1950s.  It looks as though we were at the seaside, and if that is the case it will have either been New Brighton or Bridlington (for some reason my parents swapped their allegiances between the east coast and the west coast on an annual basis). My best bet would be that it was New Brighton (although I wouldn't be surprised if my brother writes it to tell me I have got the wrong time and the wrong place).

Returning to my challenge, there would appear to be several of the advent pictures I could pair my holiday snap up with, but - since this is the season of goodwill - I am going to go with the one which appears to feature a group of little angels with a town in the background. I am not sure which potentially stretches the bounds of credulity the furthest: the depiction of my brother and myself as little angels or the idea that New Brighton would make a suitable location for such a festive scene.

For many years now, Roger has lived on the other side of the world and we have never been into sending Christmas cards to each other. This year I am happy to make an exception - and this, therefore, is my Christmas card to him. Happy Christmas Rog.


  1. Replies
    1. I can just hear you saying that Jane

  2. You like (Just) William Alan! I think Roger will be pleased with his personalised blogpost.

  3. Little angels indeed.

  4. Oh I am certain your Mum loved that photo! :)

  5. Ali, for once you got it right:it is New Brighton! The building in the background is (or maybe, was) the indoor amusement arcade. It was much loved by Albert because some of the slot machines worked with only a ha'penny. The boarding house, where we stayed on "half-board", was along the street behind the park railings. Give me a few days and I'll dream up a return card for you. In the meantime, Happy Christmas Ali.

  6. You do look angelic, even if it only lasted a moment while the photograph was being taken. Older brothers (and sisters) always know best!

  7. Lovely smiles. Looks like you were best mates.

  8. Angels? That's a stretch. What is Roger holding under your chin?

  9. Such a happy photo!

  10. What an angelic picture & such big grins! Everyone's different, I know, but I can't imagine not exchanging yearly Christmas cards with my brother and sisters.

  11. Wonderful! Almost too cute for words.

  12. Ah, as my mother used to say, "Looks can be deceiving." Angels, Alan ... I'm gonna go with the angels. What a charming photo, though, and what a touching post.

  13. Your photo is adorable and I really like your approach to the theme.

  14. How fun, and enjoyable now that you've shared your "matching the meme" technique. My photos reside unfortunately either in a black box (the external hard drive) or even harder to imagine, a ether-net drop box, which has no physical presence that I know of, until I call up my desired photos. I'm about to go in search of some for next week now!

  15. The smiles are perfection. And how honored I feel to be in on a family communication. Merry holidays to both of you.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams