Friday, March 31, 2017

Calling The Shots In The Devil's Cauldron

This short strip of three old negatives floated to the top of my scan pile last night. They date back fifty years to a time when my brother and I were planning a photographic essay which had the wonderful working title: "Halifax - Devil's Cauldron Or Cradle Of The Arts". The photograph on the left shows Godley Cutting, whilst the one on the bottom right is of the old Halifax Gas Works and North Bridge sidings. The third photograph shows the joint authors of this essay that never saw completion. I think we were on one of the hills overlooking the Shibden Valley and hidden somewhere in the grass is a shutter cable-release. No doubt before the sun has set over Dominica, my brother will add a comment to point out that the photographs were taken in Cleethorpes whilst we were selling sea-shells. But, my dear boy, as someone once probably said, "he who writes history gets to call the shots".


  1. I assume that's you on the left in the photo of yourself and your brother. If so, I'd say your brother seems to have inherited your dad's hair. :)

  2. I have no clear recollection of the top right photo but I must confess, 50+ years after the event, that our working title was stolen from a Sunday Times Feature on the very same subject.


My Daily Calendar : 9th - 12th March 2025 : Market, Mills, Love And Rain

  This picture is taken from an old picture postcard and shows Doncaster Market Place in the early years of the twentieth century. A long ti...