Sunday, September 03, 2017

Sepia Saturday 383 : To Mac With Love

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features the front cover illustration of a book entitled "The Modern Bicycle". I seem to be all out of bike photographs for the moment, so my imagination was grabbed by the idea of book cover illustrations. I could happily spend my life designing covers for books I will never write. As an example, I would like to present you with that soon-not-to-be-published bestseller "From Mac With Love", by none other than my good self.

The title comes from a small sepia photograph that came to be from the collection of my Aunt and Uncle, Annie (also known as Peggy) and Harry Moore. The subject of the photograph is not them, but a contemporary couple  confidently striding out on some inter-war seaside pier. On the back of the photograph has been pencilled "To Harry and Peggy from Mac with love". The book itself tells the story of Donald and Joan McEwen and traces the interaction between their lives and relationship and the economic and social history of the 1930s in Britain. As the story develops we  witness the way in which the confidence of youth gives way to disillusionment, separation, and eventually, tragedy.  If that sounds worth reading it just goes to show that you can never judge a book by its cover.


  1. Oh Alan. You've done it again. I'm amazed at how your imagination works and always makes me smile.

  2. Will it be on Amazon? Sounds unputdownable!

  3. I bet you could come up with some other titles for that cover too.

  4. I agree with Lorraine you are nothing if not imaginative. You should write some of those books.

  5. Love the title and the photo...and a story outline, too. Definitely should be on Amazon!

  6. This could be another of your blog spinoffs, Alan. Every week a different genre of unrealized books based on the story potential of a photo.... Wait isn't that what we are doing already with Sepia Saturday? Chapter 383 in a never ending saga?

  7. Great idea, Alan! I'm afraid I identify with the chaperone type woman in the background...little did she know her face would be forever frozen in that grimace. Where has the romance gone in her life?


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...