Friday, December 05, 2008

'A Proper Family Christmas' hits Germany

I was amazed when a publisher called Der Club Bertelsmann bought the German rights to A Proper Family Christmas last year. Fancy paying someone to get the whole book translated! Yesterday my author copies of Schone Bescherung arrived. My knowledge of the language is restricted to a couple of 'German for Academics' classes at University because we had a crush on the teacher, so not being sure exactly what the title meant, I asked Google to 'translate this page', and it came up with the rather surprising 'War on Business'. However other friends have suggested something more like 'Pleasant time for Christmas Gift-Giving' , or even 'Here's a how to do' or 'Another fine mess'. The German language is obviously very adaptable.
Meanwhile I've had two lovely reviews for the English version, which AB has given me permission to boast about. Michelle of The Book Club Forum said: "Jane has created a great mix of personalities...There’s a wonderful, warm humour running through, with plenty of lines that brought a smile to my face. It’s a story that can be enjoyed at any time of the year, but is just perfect in the approach to Christmas." While Karen of the Cornflower Blog said: "I haven't met Jane, but from her writing I would judge that she is a very warm and funny person, and someone who is jolly good to know. That's what her book is like - it's cosy and comfy (in the nicest sense), it exudes good humour, it makes you laugh, and I can see it dramatised as a Brian Rix farce type of thing because it's great light entertainment. " As you can imagine, I was absolutely thrilled by both of these, though being a 'glass half full' person, my first thought was "Help, I can never do it again!"


  1. Das ist einem wunderbaren Buch ähnlich, ich muss ein Dutzend sofort kaufen

  2. Dankeshoen, AB. Ich bin incredibliche impressen von dich Deutschesprachen.

  3. According to the machine I use for translation what you said was "Thank-beautifully, OFF. I am incredibliche imprints of you German languages". Thank beautifully off to you too.

  4. Okay, I had made it all up. Is it my fault if your initials mean 'off' in German?


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