Friday, May 08, 2009

Bloody Awards .... Oh! Hang On A Minute

The other day I was contacted by the people at the Blog of the Day Awards to say that I had been nominated for a Blog Of The Day Award. In itself, it was not particularly surprising as I had nominated myself. The formal announcement would be made, I was told, today, so I have been watching their website in anticipation. And nothing has appeared.  But I don't care. Such awards are nothing more than a form of digital self-abuse, an excuse to bask in self-satisfied false glory as one preens oneself in front of a bored audience. Have we not all felt the bile of loathing rise in our throats as we have watched some overpaid, under talented starlet step up to receive some meaningless award? A plague on all their houses I say.
A Little Later .....
I have just checked the Blog of the Day website again and I am delighted to say that I have won the prestigious award for the News From Nowhere Blog. I feel humble as I write this but I would like to thank those wonderful people at Blog of the Day for their faith in me and my work. As the citation says, "the accolades and praise heaped upon winners of these prestigious awards can be best described as fabulous and the stuff of legends". I would like to thank all those who have made this award possible including Amy the Dog, my late Mother and Father, Janie and Edwin, the infamous DPH, Jane who dusts my room, Isobel and Alexander, Mark and all the Dogs, ............
Even Later .....
I am sorry I had to stop writing as I became overcome with emotion.

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