Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Play Misty For Me

Misty Morning : Huddersfield Crematorium, 3 October 2010

Yesterday morning was one of those gloriously misty Autumn affairs in which the light does strange things to colour, somehow creating a half-world between monochrome a Dulux Paint Chart. My morning walk usually takes Amy and I through the Crematorium, and somehow it is perfect lighting for such a place. I don't need to say any more, in this case the image can speak with much greater clarity than I can.


  1. Your photo certainly does speak for itself. I would very much like to go on this same walk in these same conditions so I could experience it, feel it, for myself. It is a wonderful time of year.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Wonderfully atmospheric photo, Alan :-)

  3. Great shot, Alan! Very serene.

  4. Ah, there's nothing quite like the foggy, foggy dew in autumn. Glorious pic, Alan!

  5. Seems like anything could happen there! Very other worldly and somehow ripe with possibilities for my imagination.

  6. Lovely, ethereal photograph, Alan. There is an other-worldly quality when you walk in misty, elusive light.

  7. That photo certainly sets a mood! It reminds me of Roy's recent beach photos, taken during similarly dreary weather.

  8. We have a graveyard at the back of our house (such quiet neighbours!) and it looks fantastic in the mist and fog.

  9. Full of atmosphere and beauty. How I've longed to walk on these recent misty mornings, instead of heading in to the office.

  10. That is a beautiful image!

  11. That's a walk I would like to experience. What a beautiful shot.

  12. What A Beautiful Photo Alan!

  13. Very beautiful! Would it be ok if I used this as my desktop background for a while please?

  14. You took a great photo. It is a classic reaching up there to all the great photographers. Wow!!!


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