Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kind Thoughts For Christmas

1908 postcard from my collection
Christmas is almost upon us and it's time to pause News From Nowhere for a few days so that preparations can be made for the Festive Season. Tomorrow I need to try and make my way through the snow and ice to Sheffield to collect The Lad and then there is plenty of Christmas shopping to be undertaken. But I also intend to spend a bit of time giving News From Nowhere a bit of an early spring clean, so don't be surprised if the look of things change even though no new posts appear until after the holidays. I will try and continuing posting on my photo-blog (which I am renaming Alan Burnett's Picture Post) over the coming few days but that also will fall into a brief hibernation over the holidays. Finally, as both Christmas and New Years' Day fall on a Saturday this year, we have decided to hold a Seasonal Open House on Sepia Saturday which will allow people to post and link at their leisure. Normal service in all areas will return in the new year.

All that remains is for me to thank everyone for following News From Nowhere over the last year. Your comments and your support make blogging a pleasure. Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful and successful New Year.

Alan, Isobel (GLW), Alexander (The Lad), and Amy (Fat Dog Still Heading For The Big Apple)


  1. And a Happy Christmas to you -- I enjoy your various blogs so much!

  2. a very merry and kind holiday to you, isobel, alexander and amy from all of us at at casa mouse!

    i wonder if this blog-cleaning bug is contagious....tony too was just remarking about changing things up a bit in his little corner of cyberspace!

  3. I wish you, GLW, the Lad, and that fine fat dog of yours all a very merry Christmas.

  4. Have a great Christmas and New Year, Alan! My own Winter Solstice greetings will be up on Tuesday.

    BTW, I'm currently listening to Yo-Yo Ma's Songs of Joy & Peace, which he released for Christmas a couple of years ago. Right now his arrangement of the Wexford Carol is playing, with Alison Krauss doing the vocal honors. Great music for the non-traditional among us!

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a roarin' good New Year, Alan!

  6. Alan, I hope you all have a jolly time of it, over the holidays. Stay warm, keep safe. Looking forward to more News From Nowhere, already!

  7. what a cute card...happy thoughts to you and yours as well over the holidays alan...

  8. The very best to you, Alan

  9. Merry Christmas, Alan! Enjoy the holiday with your family! xo

  10. Anonymous1:34 AM

    You and the Mrs. have a fine Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us in 2010 and looking forward to seeing more of your creative spirit in 2011
    :) The Bach
    Lord Thomas of Wellington

  11. Happy Christmas to you and yours, have fun and keep safe.

  12. A very happy Christmas to you too Alan, and to the GLW, The Lad and the Fat Dog still...

    Hope you have a restful and enjoyable time and I look forward to the new look blog in the new year.

  13. A merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

  14. The best to the best! -J

  15. Thinks are definitely going quiet on the blogosphere, I guess everyone's in preparation mode. Wednesday hear just 2.5 days and 2 weeks leave beckons. Alan, have a wonderful Christmas, stay safe in all that snow and sleet. I'll think of you whilst slapping on the sunscreen and lying on a banana lounge! Cheers:)

  16. Kind Christmas thought to you, as well, Alan. Enjoy the holidays, my friend.

  17. Very best wishes to you all - and thanks so much for being a good blogger friend this year, Alan. Your blogs and your comments give me such pleasure.

  18. Ha. Love your sign off. Love how you say too in your dry wit about "normal services will return in all areas..."

    I left the rest of this comment on your photo blog but here it goes again, should you not see it, I did want you to:

    I must have been thinking about your cold chill and you and the misses there as li dreamed about you both last night. Quite funny let me tell you and guess what? you were tiring of how cold it was INSIDE your house where ice had gathered thick on the windows.

    Thinking of you and wishing you the most joyous, if not too warm Christmas and Christmas tide.

    thank you for being such an amazing blogger, adding your merriment to the xmas Te AGAIN and writing these incredible posts you do. All your blogs are incredible.

  19. Merry Christmas Alan! It is a pleasure to visit your blog...Have a good rest! :)

  20. And the same to you Alan. Have a wonderful 2011 and keep up the good work.

  21. A belated Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year.

  22. Hi Alan,I hope Christmas was good & The Boiler got fixed(?).Best Wishes For The New Year.

  23. It is a wonderful postcard. I am late telling you that I hope your time off with the Lad and DW will be a great time. We have the same winter weather.

  24. Have A Great 2011 Alan !

  25. Happy 2011 dear Alan. I'm happy to call you my friend. Thanks for all the encouragement you have given me. I enjoy your have a gift of wit and writing. It just wouldn't be the same without you! xo


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