Monday, January 03, 2011

Rummaging In The Nether Regions Of My Pigeon Holes.

First of all let me say a Happy New Year to all my on-line friends. It's a joy to have got to know you all over the last couple of years and I look forward to reading all of your diverse and creative posts over the coming year. As you will see, during the Christmas and New Year Blogging Break I have been making one or two changes, although these constitute little more than minor tinkering rather than radical changes of direction. From now on I will try to concentrate most of my blogging activities into just two blogs : News From Nowhere (more words than pictures) and Picture Post (more pictures than words). I have tried to organise the News From Nowhere Blog into five distinct sections, although many posts will refuse to be pigeon-holed and will continue to play havoc with my grand plans for catagorising all human life and activity. The five sections are as follows:

The News From Nowhere SEPIA SUPPLEMENT will host all of my contributions to the Sepia Saturday meme and all of my posts about family history and the like. More and more I tend to think of News From Nowhere as a kind of on-line magazine, in which case it is the only magazine to have its own Sepia Supplement. The weekly calls for Sepia Saturday posts will, of course, remain within the dedicated Sepia Saturday Blog which will be entirely unaffected by this outbreak of News from Nowhere spring-cleaning.

The News from Nowhere YORKSHIRE MIXTURE will contain all my posts which relate in one way or another with my native county of Yorkshire. This will be the home of both my soon-to-be concluded "West Yorkshire In Ten Squares" project and my various other outbreaks of bleating sycophancy about the beauty of the heather-sown moors and smoke-glazed stone walls of my homeland. For those not from these parts, I should explain that Yorkshire Mixture is a well-known brand of boiled sweets, much loved by all dentists for their ability to chip teeth and detach fillings with a minimum of effort.

POSTCARDS FROM NOWHERE will showcase my collection of old postcards, most of which date back to the early part of the twentieth century. Whilst the postcards are often things of beauty in themselves, I particularly like them for their ability to prompt me to undertake the most glorious wild goose chases along all manner of dusty and forgotten circuitous routes. Occasionally a more modern postcard might find its way into the selection simply to illustrate the general theory that Blogs and Rules don't easily co-exist.

If you read my blog on a regular basis you might have noticed that I am somewhat fond of beer and all types of pubs, inns and taverns. The PINT OF BEST section will gather together all my beery pontifications and contain links to my Great Yorkshire Pubs series. For the sake of continuity, I will keep the Great Yorkshire Pub Blog open, but all new material will find its way into the Pint of Best section of News From Nowhere.

Finally, I am determined to keep going with my epic virtual dog-walk from Los Angeles to New York and I will post fortnightly updates which will be added to the section entitled FAT DOG TO THE BIG APPLE. Again, for the sake of continuity, I will keep the Fat Dog Blog open but, as with the Great Yorkshire Pubs Blog, you won't need to follow it as all material will be linked from the News From Nowhere Blog. I recently recalculated how long it would take me to reach New York based on my current rate of progress and Amy and I now expect to arrive in the Bog Apple sometime in 2019. So, fear not, there are plenty of posts to come yet.

Now I know all this sounds jolly complicated, but it really is not. The "sections" are nothing more than index pages that - should you be so singularly odd as to want to read related posts - can guide you to other posts on a similar subject. All new material will find its way onto the Homepage of the blog and there is no reason at all to rummage around in the nether regions of my pigeon holes. Indeed, there is no reason to do anything other than assume that things will go on exactly as they did before. If you have any objections to this, feel free to send me a comment and I will categorise it, and pigeon-hole it accordingly.


  1. Happy New Year! Looking forward to ALL your new posts, wherever they are indexed! :)

  2. Well, Alan, methinks you could be a fellow Information Scientist. Such an impressive demonstration of information management. Seriously, I like the way you've categorised your posts. This way, there's less chance of us missing anything.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Indeed Alan, a stick-to-it plan. But, if its not stuck-to I won't mind.
    Here's to your words in 2011! -J

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Excellent ideas Alan! Happy New Year and look forward to reading your posts. Jo :-)

  5. Think I might need to start having a regular 3 day weekend just to find the time to read all these great material. Best wishes for 2011.

  6. Great organization, Alan! All but the photos in one place. Well, except for the photos. Still, now it's easier to keep track of all your threads. Good work.

  7. You started the new year with such organization! I love the categories. And your new layout is very appealing! :)

  8. What a fascinating mixture of organised and circuitous you are! I wish I had half the technical ability that enables you to create such an attractive looking blog. I'm looking forward to another year of News from Nowhere.

  9. The new year is a perfect time for tweaking of the nether regions. ;^)

    (thank you for your extra kind comment today xx)

  10. I like the new organization, Alan, and I am singularly odd because I particularly enjoy your Sepia Saturday posts and your Yorkshire posts. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  11. Happy New Year to you and your GLW, I wish you all you could want and more.
    Your shuffle around sounds good doubt I will find everything OK and will not be forever walking up and down a corridor looking for the correct door to your various posts!

  12. This sounds very ambitious and rational, and very simple and relaxing for your readers. I like it, and I agree with Martin that there is less chance of missing anything. I have enough trouble keeping up with my one blog; I don't know how you manage.

  13. Haha you had me at the title! Looks like you're going to be a busy boy! Good news for us. I'm too undisceplined for all that tagging and indexing. Happy New Year to you and the Good Lady Wife.

  14. Well... I'll... be...

    You've done and got organized.

    That, along with my cilantro, is definitely a sign of the coming Apocalypse.


Excelsior Forgotten

This photo of my mother sat on my fathers' Excelsior motorbike dates, I think, from the 1940s. It was taken at our house on Southmere Dr...