Thursday, November 21, 2013

Scanner Dipping : Screwy Driver In A School Cellar

Randomly dipping into and scanning my old negatives brings to the surface this early picture which must have been taken in 1966 or 1967. I was still at school and this was taken at a meeting of the School Photographic Society. I can't recall any of the names, except for the somewhat serious looking teacher in the centre : Tom "Screwy" Driver.


  1. Love the name; we Brits love to give everyone a nick-name, first time I've heard this one, but once heard, it's so obvious.

  2. I kinda looks like a meeting of the fans of Herman's Hermits.

  3. Scanner dipping - love it!

  4. We had a maths teacher called Mr Clark. Or possibly Clarke. At this distance I don't remember. But for some reason we all called him Teddy Tarantula. He was a rubbish teacher but he had a degree in maths and was therefore put in charge of division 1 maths. Unfortunately I'm not now and never have been good at maths and Teddy didn't help at all.

  5. You guys wore ties and jackets to school? It looks like most school photo labs...down in the basement.

  6. A Photographic Society would have been right up your alley. A historic shot.


My Daily Calendar : 9th - 12th March 2025 : Market, Mills, Love And Rain

  This picture is taken from an old picture postcard and shows Doncaster Market Place in the early years of the twentieth century. A long ti...