Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Things I Wish I Had Collected During My Life But Never Got Around To It And It Is Too Late Now : No. 37 - Beer Mats

Phil The Squirrel Man came yesterday to clear the loft of visitors : hopefully they will have taken the hint and relocated up a tree somewhere. Dave The Shower Man came and re-sealed the shower tray : hopefully eradicating the impromptu kitchen ceiling shower. John The Cable Man is due any minute to reconfigure the cable TV and Wifi service. And Alan The Editor Man is still slaving away trying to juggle hundreds of sepia photographs into a reasonably meaningful volume. There is just time to look back on my 65 years and contemplate what changes I would make if I had to start my life from the beginning again.

There is something strangely comforting about beer-mats. It's the texture of them. Works of art soaking up the stuff of life.


  1. Been to Oktoberfest in Munich and also in SF when I lived in the area; don't think the Americans really get it.

  2. Yes, they do, all those minor, but important moments we often let slip by in life unnoticed!

  3. What were number 36 and below? I find beer mats interesting matchbooks. I collected them for awhile. Now who gives away matchbooks anymore..but Beer Mats..they are still plentiful.
    Sounds like you are a doorman for repairmen :)

  4. ...and each one of those beer mats has a story in it!

  5. I admire people who know how to get a job done merely by picking up the phone; thus saving the best for himself.

  6. Wonderful design. But aren't beer mats usually a bit squarer than that?

  7. My coffee cup rests on a coaster of Black Sheep Best Bitter.

  8. I love beer mats. Yes, there's something about the texture...


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