Monday, November 04, 2013

Sitting On A Bench In The Sun

Sorry for my low profile of late. I am busy editing the Sepia Saturday 200 Anniversary Book which, between filling the dishwasher, chasing the squirrels out of the loft, taking the empty bottles to the bottle bank and watching back episodes of Cheers, seems to be taking up all my time of late. How nice it would be to sit on a bench in the sun and think about times gone by, just like this group I spotted in Novelda in Spain last month.


  1. Oh I can see that, but what fun would that be right. Although, images of one chasing squirrels out of the loft or anywhere else brings smiles! Happy thoughts are with you in this hectic, hair pulling time!

  2. Typical - the women were at home doing the laundry, and chasing squirrels!

  3. Yes idle time is for evil doers. We must be busy doing important things.

  4. Retired myself I recognise the cry, too much to do, how did I ever find time to go to work? Once again, those who live near the inland sea seem to have got it right - ignore it and relax.

  5. Retired myself I recognise the cry, too much to do, how did I ever find time to go to work? Once again, those who live near the inland sea seem to have got it right - ignore it and relax.

  6. The bottle bank? Is that like the blood bank?

    An afternoon of warm sun would suit me just fine.

  7. I like your idea. We seem to be very isolated from each other. The first guy has a very perky hat.

  8. We are entering the dark days of November..dreary. I enjoy everyday there is sunshine! It is good to have winter is your hand? I hope your recovery is going well:)

  9. ... and it could have been last century! good photo!

  10. I shall be interested in the Sepia Saturday book - any details yet?


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