Thursday, April 10, 2014

Picture Post 1168 : Worth Waiting For

I was going to announce a major up-dating and restructuring of the Blog, but the chances are that I will get fed up with these changes in a few days and revert back to the old approach. So we will let the changes - if there any - slowly emerge.

I must have taken this photograph back in the 1980s and I suspect it is somewhere in South Yorkshire - probably Sheffield. It was a time when I didn't have a darkroom and I tended to develop my monochrome films and leave them unprinted in the belief that there would be a right time to return to them in the future when life was less stressful and the possibility of a functioning darkroom would be more attainable. So here we are, 30 years later and time is more plentiful and darkrooms are no longer necessary. Through luck rather than intention I managed to capture a strange collection of dog-in-a-hurry, newspaper-reading child and dangerously leaning sign-post. I think it was worth waiting for.


  1. I'm thinking of all the reasons a child would be in the road, hunched over a newspaper.

    1. That thought crossed my mind as well. Checking the football results perhaps!

  2. Enigmatic! How do you capture the digital image?

    1. A specialist scanner which can scan negatives and slides and then repairs via Photoshop. Next time you pass through Huddersfield give me a shout and I will give you a demonstration

  3. ...and all three of them are completely oblivious of each other.t

    1. I can't help but feel that it is the signpost that is aware of its surroundings in that timeless way all signposts are.

  4. Excellent! Looks like a still from a very intellectual foreign film.

    1. It was certainly still and it was taken on 35mm stock therefore I suppose it could qualify as film .... Ah well, two out of three ain't bad!

  5. I wouldn't have guessed 1980s had you not told us, I think the grainy B&W makes it look as if it could be older. Are the buildings still there? (I'm assuming the child and dog have moved ;)).

    1. Not sure if the buildings are still there. I have a vague memory of where I think I took it but I will need to go exploring to check.

  6. What a beautiful picture. The composition of light and shadow just fill my eyes.


Excelsior Forgotten

This photo of my mother sat on my fathers' Excelsior motorbike dates, I think, from the 1940s. It was taken at our house on Southmere Dr...