Sunday, June 09, 2019

Walking Man With Blue Spots

Back in the days when picture postcards were all the rage and the demand for colour photographs outstripped the technological ability to be able to deliver them, monochrome photographs were hand coloured. Most were done with skill and care, but occasionally short cuts were taken. It was nearly going-home time and the weekend was just around the corner. It was just a photograph of a "modern business block" in Ravenna, Ohio. Surely nobody would ever notice the walking man with the blue spots.


  1. Good catch. It took my tired eyes a while to see the spots...though I noticed right away he was white compared to those approaching.

  2. And that is a little backwater town near me, trying again to be up and coming.


Musical Conflagration

It must have been the same day as the "Fire In Halifax" photos I featured earlier this week as this image is on the same strip of ...