Friday, January 17, 2020

Towards The Sepia Sea

This little faded photograph worked its way to the top of my "To Scan" pile. The couple sitting on the left are instantly recognisable - my uncle and aunt, Harry and Annie Moore. The photo appears to have been taken in one of those British seaside spa resorts that were fashionable in the 1930s, with their mock Greek columns and potted palms. Over the years, it has faded into those warm brown sepia tones that radiate photographic antiquity. The crimping to the edges of the photo are another sure sign of the times: an era when photographs were intended to be stuck in albums for posterity.

A better camera and a more seasoned photographer might have cropped the shot and concentrated on the two smiling holiday couples. Whilst they are interesting in themselves - their contrived happiness, their relaxed style - it is the extraneous detail that is fascinating. One is tempted to follow the couples walking along the promenade towards the sepia sea.

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