Wednesday, February 02, 2022

The Acme Of Perfection In Pierrotic Entertainment

I inherited this photograph from my Auntie Annie and Uncle Harry. During the late twenties and early thirties, Uncle Harry "trod the boards" as a member of a touring concert party - "The Silhouettes". Harry was the featured "pianist and tenor vocalist", and that is Harry, second from the right, with his wavy hair blowing in the smokey breeze. I also inherited a programme from The Silhouettes' show in Bognor in September 1931, and this provides a clue to the other "artistes" featured in the photograph.

Since I last featured this photograph on my blog several years ago, it has become possible to colourise old photographs with the help of Artificial Intelligence programmes. The results are quite striking, but somehow it is the faded sepia of the mill chimneys, that best suits the mood of the image.

Monochrome, sepia or vibrant colour; the Silhouettes remain the very acme of perfection in pierrotic entertainment.

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