Saturday, September 09, 2023

Desktop Calendar : Helsinki Burns Boats

According to my Lightroom Catalogue I have amassed some 93,606 photographs over my lifetime. Given my considerable age that works out at one photograph every seven hours, day and night, since the moment of my birth. I got a random number generator to pick just one of the 93,606 to illustrate today's calendar and it came up with this one from seven years ago.

This photograph of the MP John Burns is taken from an Edwardian picture postcard. During the great picture postcard boom of the first decade of the twentieth century every subject under the sun would be fair game to the postcard creators: religious quotations would sit next to music hall starlets in the postman’s sack, sober politicians would share space with saucy cartoons. Burns was a fascinating character, a working class trade union leader who was a Liberal MP and served in the cabinet as the President of the Local Government Board. He eventually resigned as an MP and from the Liberal Party over his opposition to Britain’s entry into World War 1 in 1914.

This group of rowing boats in a picture I took forty or more years ago now look like a group on an old people's outing. There's Jim and June and Ada and Ron. The only odd thing is how on earth the Duchess of Montrose got in there. Perhaps she is down on her luck and has had to join the pensioners' outing to the seaside.

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