Saturday, September 09, 2023

The Chorus Line


This group of young ladies, in what can only be described as eccentric dress, comes from a batch of photographs I bought several years ago which also contained some photographs of performances by the Brighouse Amateur Theatrical Society. We can therefore surmise that these fine ladies were the chorus from some Brighouse amateur theatrical production from the 1920s, but I would be loath to take a guess as to which one. The costumes are magnificent and look as though they were lovingly made from a set of Victorian dining-room curtains. As with so many old photographs, the individual faces are like chapters from a book yet to be written.

1 comment:

  1. I'd venture to guess they were playing gypsies...with the Bohemian dress styles and their hair all down - certainly great attempts as many of our early girlish Halloween costumes also looked...scarves and beads and bright colors.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams