Monday, October 04, 2010

A Pub, A Pint And A Post-It Note : 2 - The Quiz


The Rock Tavern, Upper Edge Elland, West Yorkshire
This photograph is from a couple of years ago, I am glad to say that the pub is no longer "For Sale"


If truth be told, not one pint, but several of them (which probably accounts for the state of the writing on the Post-It Note).


Friday 1st October 2010 : The weekly Rock Tavern Pub Quiz. In the cold and sober light of a new day, even I have difficulty in interpreting my scribbled notes, but there are a number of the questions that featured in the quiz in there somewhere. The ones I can interpret include the following?

- Which star of Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music celebrates her 75th birthday today?
- The origins of which sporting animal can be traced back to a Smerle, a Dragoon, and a Horseman?
- How many standard bottles of champagne are the equivalent of a Jeroboam?
- Which two NATO phonetic letters can be combined to give the title of a Shakespeare play?
- In advertising what were made "to make your mouth water"?
- Where is the 2010 Ryder Cup being held?
- Which sculptor was responsible for the Angel of the North statue?
- Which cheese shares its name with a gorge?
- What were the four components of the wartime OSLO diet for children?
- What is the main ingredient of Borscht?
- Who wrote the book "The Road To Wigan Pier"?
- On this day in which year did the first ever Ford Model T go on sale?
- Which lake forms part of the border between Peru and Bolivia?

If anyone wants to have a crack at any of these questions I will publish the answers (as far as I can remember them) in a comment in a few days time (one or two of the answers are scrawled on the note if you care to search for them). You will also find a note saying that after four rounds our team (the Good Lady Wife and myself) were in last position. After the full five rounds, I have to say, that position hadn't changed.


  1. Dame Julie Andrews
    I dunno... a fox?
    No clue.
    Romeo & Juliet


  2. borscht -- beets?

    Nice pub!

  3. Let's see...

    #1 is Julie Andrews; #3, 4 regular bottles of Champagne make a jeroboam; #6, this year's Ryder Cup was held at Celtic Manor in Newport, Wales; #10, beets are the base for borscht; #11, George Orwell wrote The Road to Wigan Pier; #12, the Model T Ford made its debut on Oct. 1, 1908; and #13, Lake Titicaca forms part of the border between Peru and Bolivia. The rest I have no clue on!

  4. Roy : 7/13 You're in the lead.

  5. practically perfect in every way!!!

    so julie is a dame - all right!

    without cheating i can only confidently answer julie andrews; celtic manor in wales (i live with a golfer and feagin has been watching since friday!! so even though i haven't watched i have been through the room with the tube on); beets (i love borscht); lake titicaca (which wins the name for strangest lake name if we think of slang)

    gorge -onzola????? ha ha

    very embarrassed that i didn't know the orwell title... nor the sculpture - which i will be looking up posthaste

    nice looking pub glad it's back (still) in business

  6. Kim : Some good answers there - and two or three of the answers will only be known to those living in the UK

  7. I adore my fellow Libra, Julie Andrews. Glad to hear the pub is no longer for sale!

  8. Ooh, I love pub quizzes!
    So we have: Julie Andrews/ Er...?/4/Has to be a two word title then?...Twelfth Night?/Opal Fruits/Newport, S Wales/Anthony Gormley/Cheddar/OSLO ?? Guess there might be oranges in there?/Beetroot/George Orwell/Don't know/Don't know that either (except for reading other people's answers and I'm not cheatin'

    PS Giggled at your comment on my blog - I do like to have my proportions in the right place at all times. ;-)

  9. i would probably do better on the quiz with a few pints....

  10. Ah, Timothy Taylor is a good pint. Also served occasionally in the more southerly parts of the UK.

    At a recent pub quiz my team had a question which I'd previously had in a different quiz ... but the answer was different. Either I'm getting old (little argument to the contrary I suspect) or the beer was taking effect. I was SO sure I had it right, even when the rest of the team disagreed. The question was something like, "What is the most common colour in the world's flags?" The answer was "red" but could have sworn last time around it was "green".

  11. This really is a great idea of yours. I just need to make time for a visit to the pub!

  12. I think I will just be your drinking partner on a quiz night!

  13. I always suspected you were a doctor - with that writing you have confirmed uit.

  14. Been away on business this week, but unfortunately it was more like "A Bistro, A Bottle (of red) and a Blackberry" rather than "A Pub, A Pint and A post-it note" - nevertheless I did record my observations, just need the right forum to share them.

  15. Before reading other comments, I think I could manage 7
    Julie Andrews
    4 bottles
    Opel Fruits
    George Orwell

    I really should know the Angel of the North sculptor, but I'm ashamed to say I can't remember :(

  16. I started with the test with the answers and moved blogs backwards to here. I guess it is a lot like our education system these days, supply the answers with the questions. It is a fun quiz.


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