I still think that one of the best science fiction books ever written was "The Day of the Triffids". If you have read it you will recall that the world was threatened by the sudden appearance of a new form of plant life - the triffid - which gained an evolutionary advantage over mankind following a catastrophic natural disaster (in the case of the John Wyndham story, widespread blindness). I know that I have already vowed to restrict my comments about the natural disaster plaguing many parts of the country (the floods), but in view of the potential gravity of the events I am about to describe, I feel I must speak out.

Whilst the appearance of the "Postids" (for thus I have christened them) in itself may not be alarming, I did notice for the first time the other evening evidence that they had begun to move. By carefully concealing myself in a neighbours garden I managed to get a photograph of one of the Postids apparently crawling along the ground to take up a new position.

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