This is the kind of post that can only be written by a grumpy old sod like me. The kind of post that pours scorn on the world of today and looks back with affection on the world of yesterday. The subtext says, of course, that the new generation of mission-driven, target-setting, risk assessors have failed to live up to the fine standards set by the previous generation. My generation. "Where have you gone, Harold Wilson, A nation turns its lonely eyes to you"
So I will start with the Kirklees Youth Games. If you live within five miles of Huddersfield, you will no doubt know about the Kirklees Youth Games. You will know about it because on every lamp-post for miles around large banners have been hung declaring "Kirklees Youth Games". However, your knowledge will be limited, because that is all the banners say. No explanation, no date, no place, no time. Nothing other than, I would imagine, a massive bill for thousands and thousands of banners. If you go in search of more information about this event on the web you do get to a website which simply says:
"Kirklees Youth Games, a major part of the council's Getting Fit for 2012 initiative, is having a big impact in encouraging and inspiring children to start and progress in sporting activity.
In the Kirklees Youth Games the emphasis is just as much on fun, participating and doing your best, as being the best.The Kirklees Youth Games has lots of sports and sports related activity to enjoy - there should be something for everyone. Below are listed the events and activities which are currently taking place".
The only thing that is listed "below" is a School Sports Day which was held back in early July. The grumpy old man in me says "what a ridiculous waste of money".
Next is the "What is this world coming to" section and today it focuses on the State Government in California which is to institute a campaign of micro-chipping the cacti found next to State Highways to help guard against them being stolen. No doubt this will be followed by the appointment of Cacti Officers who will patrol the streets with microchip readers tracking down missing succulents.

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