Monday, September 01, 2008

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud

For the last year or so progress along our daily walk of choice has been, for Amy and I, subject to climatic constraints. It is not that we are averse to the wind and the rain, living in West Yorkshire we are well used to such things. But the frequent rain of the last twelve months or so turned part of our walk into a mud-bath. Amy didn't complain, there is nothing she likes more than a nice mud-bath. But all too often I would return from our walks with my feet covered in sticky liquid mud and, unlike Amy, I wasn't allowed to clean my feet on the newly laundered bed-covers. Things got so bad earlier this year that I had to abandon our normal route and stick to the roads and pavements.
I was therefore surprised and pleased when a few weeks ago signs were erected stating that work on the path would commence shortly and I imagined that this would involve sinking some draining pipes and covering the ground with concrete. The work was finished in ahead of the advertised date, but the real surprise was what they had done with the site. No drainage pipes, no concrete : they had installed a wooden walkway and turned the spot into a bog garden. In one move, the problem was removed and an excellent additional facility was provided. Amy and I now look forward to the winter and everything the watery climate can throw at us. Our feet will remain dry and our walk will be enriched by watching the progress of the Ragged Robin, Yellow Iris and Common Rush.
Somewhere within the confines of Kirklees Council there is a man or a woman who was presented with the problem of the muddy path and asked to come up with a solution. Rather than reach for concrete and clay they looked for a more innovative solution. They deserve a vote of thanks - from Amy and I, and from many other local residents.

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