Monday, February 08, 2010

All Good Things Come To An End

Ah well, all good things come to an end. Last Friday morning I was swimming with turtles and scuba-diving over a coral reef off the coast of Barbados. 24 hours later I was driving over snow covered moors on the way back from Manchester Airport. The photograph above shows our ship - the P&O liner Oceana - in Acapulco. The skies were blue and the breezes were warm throughout the entire holiday and a good and restful time was had by all. I will neither bore you nor depress you with endless photos of gorgeous holiday destinations - if you really want that I will be featuring a few of the photos I took whilst away on my Daily Photo Blog during the rest of February.

It is going to take a few days for things to get back to normal here - you guessed it, we haven't unpacked the cases yet - so I apologise in advance if, over the next few days, some of my posts are truncated and my comments are succinct. Whilst away, I made one or two decisions about future projects which might impact somewhat on the content of the blog over coming months : but more of that later.

Despite the cold, despite the snow, it is good to be back.


  1. It's great to see you back in blogland, Alan--glad you had a good holiday!

  2. Welcome back Alan. You have been missed!

    The Oceana eh? We packed our daughter and son-in-law off on the same ship for their honeymoon - 10 days in the Med.

  3. We missed you, Alan! Glad you had a wonderful time...looking forward to a few tidbits from your trip! Now, back to reality! ha!

  4. Glad you had a great time- Hope you had a chance to explore Barbados!

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Aaaahhh! Barbados! 'Course the last time I was there they had but one hotel, heh...good to 'ave you back sir and cheers!

  6. Aahhh Barbados, my favourite Caribbean island. I'm particularly fond of Discovery Bay and Brown Sugar Restaurant. Only forty minutes flying time from here yet I never seem to find the time to go and play!

  7. Glad to see you back, all shipshape and Bristol fashion!

  8. welcome home, I'm sure there's still plenty of good things ahead!

    happy to hear you had such a lovely holiday!!

    happy reentry!

  9. welcome back. sounds like you had a lovely trip!

  10. Hi AB,

    Glad you and yours had a wonderful holiday!

  11. Passengers! Hideous! Hated the buggers! They complain and want to sit at the captain's table.

    No doubt you were the epitome of decorum. Welcome back.

  12. Huzzah! Been missing my News from Nowhere... because News from Somewhere is kinda boring!

  13. Great way to escape the cold . .Barbados! Impressed. It sounds so exotic to us down here then I bet Fiji and Polynesia sound a bit that way to you guys in the north. Love to see the photos when they're up. And tales of travels are never boring, never.

  14. I have 24 days til we sail on the mexican riviera and I just about can't wait. Well, let me rephrase that. I have 24 days to get my bikini body and I'm thinking I'll be one-piecing it.

    Oh well

    Looks wonderful!

  15. Your fans have missed you. It is like moving into your past by coming home. I bet you thought it would have gotten a little better weather wise. Take your time and stretch you fingers a little to limber them up and eventually let the words fly. I really did miss you.

  16. Thanks for all the welcome back messages. Please forgive me if it takes me a day or two to catch up with everyone.

  17. Welcome home, Alan. I'm glad you had a good time. Hmmm swimming with turtles, how wonderful. Good to see the shot of Oceana, it brought back happy memories.

  18. Anonymous1:55 PM

    It's good to see you back! Sounds like you had a great time and the ship looks luxurious.

  19. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Glad you had safe travels. Wecome back and we'll have to bop over to you daily photo blog to catch the sights! Best, The Bach

  20. Ah, those blues are SO blue. Hope you're tanned and happy. Good to have you back.


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