Thursday, September 23, 2010

Applying The Reverse Polarity Theory To Bora Bora.

By next Tuesday our final house guests will have left us and the Good lady Wife and I can start rattling around inside the house by ourselves again. It has been great having an almost constant stream of visitors for the last couple of months, and one of the advantages of house guests is that you get to "reverse the polarity of the visit" and visit them once they have returned home. It is therefore always advisable to choose your house-guests with care with regard to their own domestic alignments. From this perspective, this summers' crop of visitors have been particularly fruitful.

Earlier in the summer we had Cousins Carrie and Rob staying with us whilst they waited for their new house to be completed. They have been in the new house - which is a few miles inland from the Yorkshire coastal town of Scarborough - for a couple of weeks now and yesterday, on a glorious late summer day, we got the chance to go and see them. The first picture shows us all - along with Cousins Dave and Jenny - and serves to remind me why I usually prefer to remain on the other side of the camera lens. The second picture shows the countryside around Burniston - the village where they live. If you had walked to the top of the hill in the distance you would have been able to see the North Sea.

Our second batch of guests were, of course, Jane and Edwin from Oxford, and we frequently take advantage of the "reverse polarity" theory by visiting them in that magnificent city. Our current guests - my niece Di and her family - provide a particularly attractive prospect for the "reverse polarity" theory as they live in the British Virgin Islands. If all goes well and the hurricanes keep well away, we look forward to dropping in on them in a few weeks time.

In the meantime, I am keen to expand the reverse polarity experiment in new directions. Is there anyone out there from Bora Bora just longing to visit Huddersfield?


  1. What a lovely group of house guests, Alan. Don't you love having a long lazy breakfast with your visitors in your jammies and rumpled hair?

    (I adore the word "whilst", btw, we never use it over here...maybe I should start?)

  2. Heh, heh! I'm wondering if that reverse polarity effect will get me across the Pond and visiting you, since you'll be here in Newport next year. We'll have to see how that works out.

  3. It's my kids who get the most visitors at the moment. Will take a few yeard for "reverse polarity" to re-establish itself here.

  4. I'm in a New York state of mind myself, and my heart beats fast when I think of San Francisco.
    Great advice,

  5. Alan ~ you are too hard on yourself! I think you are quite the handsome chap. And the Good Lady Wife is beautiful! What a handsome couple you make. I wonder if I could talk Willow into a NYC visit when you are there next year. Wouldn't that be fun?

  6. Don't forget to keep berating Baino for not swinging by. She needs more berating.

  7. haha. sounds like it has been a fun time...i always breath a sigh of relief once the house quiet though...dont think VA is close enough to bora bora for you though...smiles.

  8. I would gladly visit Huddlesfield. As I live in the land of heat and humidity, I would recommend a winter visit as it is much nicer then.

    Your guests all sound lovely. Is Di's son sticking around your area for uni?

  9. I don't know where Bora Bora is actually! But I like the sound of Huddlesfield... as 'e' terms it. (The best thing about having guests to stay is that it makes me tidy up.)

  10. I did notice that people were much more inclined to visit their good friend (me) when I lived in Hawaii than when I lived in various other places.
    I do think that you should make your coastal Oregon trip a reality. if you do, let me know.

  11. Oh what fun ...I do hope that you have guests from more far flung places! I love this idea.

  12. I confess to having to Google Bora Bora. It is surrounded by an awful lot of Pacific Ocean! I don't think I quite qualify as close enough.

  13. Well just in case you want to visit Minnesota where many are cold but few are actually have an open invitation! Not exactly Bora, Bora..:)

  14. It's a bit difficult having guests in the caravan. I'd have to make another boy-shed.

  15. Bora Bora? Thats in Lancashire somewhere......non?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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