Friday, May 11, 2012

Diversifying My Portfolio With Clara and Elspeth

Having derived a deal of satisfaction - although, as yet, not a great deal of revenue - from my recent acquisition of the copyright of Regent Street, I have decided to diversify my portfolio to encompass the trade in human beings. The two ladies pictured above appeared in an old wedding photograph I bought as part of a job-lot of old photographs in an antique market last year. To the best of my knowledge the two ladies - let us call them Clara and Elspeth - are dead and, having purchased this photograph, I would now like to proclaim my worldwide rights to their image.

Having failed to profit from from my earlier acquisition of Regents Street, I have decided to immediately market my latest acquisition with a whole range of products. The range includes a line of T shirts and some environmentally-friendly carrier bags. I am taking orders for any of these products here on News From Nowhere (please enclose cash with your orders).


  1. Ahh Alan- thanks for the laughs this mornning- and good luck with your new venture! (I think Elspeth is a perfectly grand name for the one on the right.)

  2. Boy, you wouldn't want to get the wrong side of the lady on the right.

  3. Oh boy, you are going to be rich. Nice purchase of the two ladies though. They have a good home of someone who appreciates the honest expressions that photos can give. Especially the ones that you own.

  4. Very funny and clever. However did you do it? I want one! (A shopping bag - not an old lady)

  5. Those shopping bags could be a hot item!
    Yesterday I met two of your fellow countrymen a fellow from York and one from Ferry. Ferry sounds like quite the place to visit..I hear it only has two pubs! They have been over here traveling for nine weeks:)

  6. Oh my Elspeth, what an expression she has! At first before I saw they were both ladies, I thought perhaps Elspeth was a man's name. A new name to me, and perhaps she would have lived happier as a Isabella! :)

  7. How much are the T-shirts?

  8. I want a coffee mug! These ladies were born too soon. They would have been perfect in a television comedy.

  9. You wouldn't want to mett them in an alley, dark or light.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams