Monday, May 14, 2012

Live From The Crematorium

My experiments in extreme blogging continue as I experiment with the idea of outside blogcasting. This mornings post is coming live from Huddersfield Crematorium and is ( hopefully) being created and delivered by my mobile phone. As I sit here a gentle but serious breeze blows through the Memorial Gardens, stirring the wind chimes into life so that they provide a melodic accompaniment to the chorus of birds in the woods. Amy sits at my feet, taking a mid-walk rest and all is fine with the world. Which is an odd thing to say in a crematorium. The wind turns a degree or so colder, Amy stands and looks around apprehensively. It is time to move on before we become permanent features.

The experiment continues later in the day (can mobile blog posts be amended?) when I have left the cool calm confines of the crematorium for the busy and noisy environment of the local shops. We have stopped for coffee, but it is merely a break - more torture is to follow.


  1. Would this be a break en-route to New York, The Big Apple?

  2. Hello Alan:
    Possibly not crematoria, but we often find ourselves visiting graveyards and cemeteries in which we find the kind of peace and tranquillity which you are enjoying right now.

  3. Blogging in the field! An interesting concept. It seems to be working.

  4. Bear up Alan! Is that the shopping list in Isobel’s hand?

  5. I don't know, field blogging makes you look much more stressed.

  6. Well lets see if you can blog while the Good Wife Lady shops then you will both be happy! I wanted to see a view of the crematorium:)

  7. I know how you feel, Alan, but I can think of better ways to get fired up before facing the shops. Surely there's a little pub, handy?

  8. All That Walking About! No Wonder Your Near A Shoe Shop!

  9. Life for crematorium Alan ?? oh please take a coffe and enjoy !lol

  10. Looks like mobile blogging needs a lot of concentration. I've just ordered an iPhone... might be joining the experimenting soon! You can give me a tutorial next Saturday.

  11. It looks like it all is working. I had a student today needing to work on a paper and his computer was not networking. While I was away fixing the connections and settings he had finished it all on his hand held device. The small one, not a ipad.

  12. Ok, what in the world are you doing at a crematorium? Well, I guess it would be the most likely place for peace and quiet. Have a fantastic evening!

  13. Who is the chap in the first photo and why is he so fierce?

  14. I feel for you Alan...I hate shopping malls...nice pic though...

  15. Now the crematorium is just mentioned so is that a foreshadowing part of your story? You've got me curious.

  16. WHOA! i don;t think my cheap little mobile coudl do that! Lol. It doesn't even take real pics! Love this extreme blogging, Alan. :) Ha. you are a hoot.

    Hope you are well.

  17. Simply had to read this post after seeing that title. Glad you made it out alive from the crem.


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