Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Out And Then Back - A Visual Hot Water Bottle

I'm back. OK, the cases have still to be put away, the washing has still to be done, the thick winter vests have still to be got out of storage : but, I'm back. I am glad to report that our ship managed to avoid all the bad weather and delivered us more or less three and a half weeks of wall to wall sunshine. The two long Atlantic crossings provided plenty of time to relax, eat and drink (Oh, definitely drink). It also provided plenty of opportunities to write - it is amazing what you are driven to do when you have no Internet link and an in-cabin television choice which was limited to Sky News and re-runs of Cash In The Attic. And so I managed to get a further 22,000 words of the novel chalked up which takes me up to the end of Part 1, which is effectively two-thirds of the way through. If I can keep my focus (and maybe throw in two or three more trans-Atlantic crossings) I might just meet my target of getting the whole thing finished in time for my 65th birthday next June.

I have lots of new ideas for the Blog as well and over the next week or two you can expect to see some changes. For the next few days, however, I just want to share a few of the images from the recent trip' starting with this view of the beach in Barbados. The footsteps are my own - out and then back - and that gorgeous white stuff on the ground is sand and not snow. It is an image which will provide me with a visual hot-water bottle during the winter months to come.


  1. So the captain didn't take you to within 50 yards of the shore to wave at a mate?

    1. Hi did, but he avoided the rocks. And the Internet connection was better this time - I take it this is down to your company.

    2. Quite possibly, depending on the cruise outfit...

  2. was good to see you today sir...and sounds like you have been on quite an adventure...look forward to reading all about it...

  3. Welcome home, Allen. The late Alex Haley was in the habit of writing at sea, and took now-Senator Lamar Alexander with him on one trip so Alexander could complete his "Six Months Off" memoir.

    1. Sounds like I was in good company indeed.

  4. Indeed, it's so good to have you back! I'm excited to see all the photos that you can share, and looking forward to whatever you may have in store for us!

  5. It looks like a perfect place to be. The colors of the sand and sky with the great water makes it ideal. I am glad you didn't run into anything out there.

  6. It's so good to have you back. The image is enticing. That sky, that water. Beautiful!

  7. A visual hot water bottle - I like that. I understand I may need a real one for my visit to England tomorrow. The weather of course is something I am not looking forward to.

  8. Welcome back. It sounds like a wonderful way to travel. And I hear Barbados calling me...

  9. Glad you're back safely and didn't see Sandy whilst you were away. And yes, I'm game for another game. Otley would be fine, though it's a place I know quite well and did a mini blog series on in August 11. Perhaps that doesn't matter?

  10. Wheeeeee! Alan's back! Now the fun begins,

  11. Nice to see you back and glad you had a good trip. I could take some of that sand right now.

  12. As the dark, grey days of winter descend upon us, I can understand why you might want to clasp this photograph close to you, Alan. Glad you're back, because it means that we can feel the same effect from your warm blog-posts.

  13. Welcome back Alan! I may need that hot water bottle treatment too..lovely warm photo! Sound like a good trip..glad to hear you were kept hydrated:)

  14. Welcome home! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the blog. I'm looking forward to some more 'hot water bottles' to get me through the winter.

  15. Stunning shot. I hope the visual hot water bottle works for you. Welcome home. Looking forward to your new blog ideas. Good luck with the novel.


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