Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Where I Am, Who I Am

It's supposed to be a nice day today, but it is still early and still cold and still misty. So I seek solace from the radiator and scan old photographs and try to remember where I walked thirty years ago. I have a feeling that the distinctive cone shaped roof in the background is one of the buildings of the old Halifax General Hospital which would mean I was walking somewhere down by Shaw Lane. These days everything is geo-tagged which means that things will be very boring for me in thirty years time when I try to remember where I walked today. But by then I will be in my nineties and it will be challenge enough to remember who I am.


  1. no idea, where it is, but great bw-pic! :)

  2. Charmingly grim without any sign of modern plastic rubbish that seems to litter everywhere.

  3. Do I know you? Oh no it's started early with me.

  4. Bricks and paving that speak volumes.

  5. Can you go back and look? I do that. The changes can be enormous. The street bricks are laid in a circular pattern going to the drain. I wonder if that aided the flow of water.

  6. I like the black and white. In thirty years all mysteries will be solved there will probably be some computer program that will instantly tell you:)

  7. Me too, what Little Nell said. B&W was such fun to work with! The Pros used it.

  8. What a stunning moment in your world, not quite winter there, and yet spring hasn't arrived either. I invite you to ponder a moment of my world.... where do I begin, okay they have declared it a snow day for many schools today. Enough hint? HA! Ha!

  9. They were smarter in some ways back then. ...no cars! The street does look a little dreary!

  10. Just "Google Earthed" Shaw Lane. Looks like corner, on left, leading to the Shears Inn, Paris Gate.

    Pretty much the same, but lacks atmosphere.

  11. Hehe, indeed. Sometimes I have trouble now, perhaps not remembering who I am, but certainly remembering why I came upstairs in the first place! I remember the Halifax General. My first love was a junior doctor there and we lived not far away. It had those funny round wards. They made 'ward rounds' really round.

  12. The Shears is a fine pub..but a little off the beaten track.......My Mother-in-law lives quite near here.......infact Ive just come back from there tonight!

  13. P.S.It would be a brave man who tried to geotag my mother-in-law !!!!!{as Les Dawson might have said}

  14. Now, when I see a wall like this one, I immediately want to know what's on the other side. A railway line, perhaps?

  15. What a gorgeous shot. It has the look of an old silver gelatin print.


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