Monday, May 13, 2013

A Matter Of Balance

I remember when I was a kid, going for a walk through some fields with my parents and coming across a piece of old wood balanced on top of a small stone. I stood on the wood and swayed from side to side, flapping my arms around like counterweights, trying to keep my balance. It was a great game but it was suddenly brought to a stop by a shout : "stop doing that or you'll fall and hurt yourself".

Isobel (the GLW) has recently taken up Yoga in order to try and preserve her "core body strength" (whatever that might be) and returned home from one of her classes the other day with a plastic disk balanced upon an inverted circular plastic dome. It is used to help preserve balance, she explained, and you should spend a few minutes each day trying to balance on it. "Do it", she said, "or you'll fall and hurt yourself". It is strange : what comes around goes around, and so often the sins of our youth become the virtues of old age. It is all a matter of balance I suppose.

I seem to be having trouble with Blog balance at the moment. Sometimes it feels as if outside events have entered into an unholy conspiracy with lethargy in order to keep me from Blogger. Things will settle down soon hopefully; after all, it is all a matter of balance.


  1. Balance, like moderation, is there to stop you enjoying yourself.

  2. Oh this is so true, and it's funny how what goes around comes around for sure, because still today I am using those same words to my grand-lights as I did with my own children and heard as a child myself, and oh we did fall and hurt ourselves sometimes. I know the feeling about blogging myself, and it is something that happens often as life gets in the middle of things! All we can do is keep on juggling it all!

  3. I'm not very good at balancing things, metaphorically and physical balance has never been a strong suit, but I keep trying and somehow life continues...Enjoy the day, Alan, and best to GLW, too.

  4. You are a busy man! Be careful on that thing:)

  5. What an interesting device. I might have enjoyed it as a kid, when I didn't need it. Now, I'm not so sure :)

  6. You probably don't want to preserve your balance enough to fall off that thing.

  7. I know the feeling. I'm busy. I don't like to do a lousy post. I think I should try to put some quality into my posts.

  8. Have you tried drinking a pint, whilst balanced on that contraption?


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