Friday, May 17, 2013

Sepia Saturday 177 : Him, Her And Her

I have never been very good at facial recognition. That is why I am always looking for a decent bit of facial recognition software : one which doesn't suggest that your mother-in-law is a Norfolk Terrier or your best friend's daughter is a character from the Muppets. Many years ago, when I was a young lad working in the mill, I was hanging out of a window with my mates one lunchtime, shouting mild obscenities at the young ladies walking by. "Hang on", said my mate Joe, "isn't that Isobel, your girlfriend!"

And then there was the time a few years later when I was walking through Halifax and noticed a chap walking towards me with recognition dawning in his eyes. As he threw out his arms in anticipation of a hug for a long-lost friend I mentally flicked through my card index of faces. The more I tried to match features, the more I panicked; and eventually I accepted defeat and threw my arms out in mutual welcome and recognition and decided I would try and wing it. Much to my embarrassment  the man walked straight passed me and hugged a woman who was walking down the street behind me.

Which brings me to my Sepia Saturday picture. The theme image features kids swinging and hanging upside down. My chosen photograph features a charming little chap (chappess) swinging on a park swing. It might be me, who knows. The woman might be my mother or might be Isobel's Grandmother. The young girl might be my wife or it might be - well who knows. No doubt, I will do what I normally do, which is print the photograph off and take it to the pub tonight. After a good few pints I will pass it around and ask if anyone recognises anyone. I will let you know what I discover.

Whilst you are waiting the outcome of my investigations you can swing on over to the Sepia Saturday Blog and follow the other links you will find there.


  1. Sounds like one of those "Should have gone to Specsavers" adverts.

  2. I had a conversation with a former employee from ten years back, only a couple of days ago. She hailed me by name and I didn't have the nerve to tell her that I couldn't remember hers. The difference being I knew I knew her - if you see what I mean, but the name wouldn't come. I put it down to age. Nice picture of a little chap anyway. I'm back, but I'm not sure I can manage a post this week. All should be normal by next week.

    1. And if you are anything like me, you remembered her name 10 minutes after you parted company?

    2. Sadly not Sharon, I had to call for assistance from a co-worker at that time.

  3. I think you would know if the chap were you, but it does look like some of your photos that you have previously shown.

  4. I've done that a few times, and being slightly hard of hearing doesn't help either in such situations, but I think I would recognise myself in a photograph. I have a pretty good memory for names and faces, but a terrible mental block in situations where I'm being introduced to people for the first time. Their name goes in one ear and out the other ... and literally seconds later I have no idea what it was. Hard of listening, rather than hard of hearing, my wife might say.

  5. Well, I've waved to people that I mistakenly thought were waving to me, but I've never reached out to hug them. Thank goodness!! You win on this count, but I can match you face for face on people I don't recognize in photos in my collection.

  6. I had a pint on the way back from walking the dog this evening, and fortified by this rare treat I can say for certain that the little boy has morphed into you.

  7. My guess is that this is a Picture you picked up and it's none of you so you will have fun at the pub at other people's expense! Remember , they always get you back.

  8. My problem is that all the countless family relations of my blogging friends get confused with the people in my own photo collection and even my own family. I might read the note on the back of a photo and think, "I wonder what Uncle Fred meant by that?" or "Could that be cousin Albert on Grandmother Elspeth's side?"

    I get lost in a forest of family trees!

  9. You made me laugh. I have also waved or given a big smile to people who I thought were waving to me but I have never attempted to hug some one by mistake. lol.

    It goes to show what a friendly person you are :)

  10. For years I lived on the fame of being kissed by a beautiful woman when I got off a train; unfortunately she thought I was my brother. I think we all reach a stage when we know someone's face and not their name and vice versa.
    I have some swing pictures like yours somewhere that I have forgotten about; I shall have to look them up to see who was doing the pushing

  11. The incident involving the man with his arms outstretched, could have been written by Eric Sykes. Brilliant!

  12. Ha ha that made me laugh. Red faces all round eh
    Lovely photo

    Gill x

  13. I've never tried to hug a stranger, but I've said something to somebody in a store who turned out to be a mannequin in the clothing department, all dressed up in shorts, shirt, sunglasses and hat -- I know the feeling!

  14. A great mystery indeed, but at first glance before reading, I thought it was you for sure! The hair sure looks like your great head of hair!

  15. As a side note, yep, I'm a big hugger, in fact when I first moved to Minnesota people here said, oh folks from Minnesota aren't that friendly! Oops! I'm thinking growing up in Michigan was the better way!

  16. Ha! Great way to start the day. Nice to live in a place where people can recognize the people in your photos after a few pints.

  17. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Ha ha ha! Thanks for a good laugh this morning at your expense! Good luck at the pub.

  18. The most embarrassing thing I ever did was to rest my hand on a chap's bald head. I really thought it was the rounded newel post of the staircase I was descending. Turned out to be a man sitting on the bottom step! I really do need to go to Specsavers.

  19. You are so funny. Did you ever figure out who everybody is? Great picture and stories!

    Kathy M.

  20. I've waved my hand to perfect strangers,
    thinking they were someone else...
    only to be met by perplexed faces.
    I had a friend, a long time ago,
    who would take me to ride in his cars
    and he liked to honk his horn at people and wave to them,
    as if he really knew them, which he didn't.
    And often enough, people would wave back, unsure... but happy!!


Bridges, Mills And Dreams