Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Picture Post 1124 : A Moment Of Contemplation

On Sunday we went for a walk around Hollingworth Lake. On the way we passed an old man, bent over, sat by the edge of the water. There was something about the shape of his back that recorded a lifetime of work. He deserved his moment of contemplation.


  1. He's almost skeletal the way his coat is shaded. Nice capture!

  2. A photo with lots of emotion.

  3. One of those proverbial pictures that's worth 1000 words.

  4. The old man is certainly contemplating. I've never seen any one so thin so that the back bone shows though their clothing.

  5. Yes, I know what you mean about the back. Perhaps he was a miner. I'm glad he was having a nice sit down by the lake!

  6. It could also be a support structure of some sort?


Bridges, Mills And Dreams