Monday, December 09, 2013

Standing Cloaked Near Standedge

Scanning old negatives is a delightful journey of rediscovery undertaken from the comfort and warmth of your desktop. This image emerged from the scanner the other day with almost as much magic and wonderment as images used to appear on a piece of bromide paper as it sloshed around in the developer bath. On the left is Jane, in the centre is Peter H, and on the right is Isobel wearing a most alarming cloak, which I am sure was very fashionable forty-odd years ago. I suspect I took the photograph in West Yorkshire and if I had to guess I would suggest it might have been the entrance to Standedge Canal Tunnel near Marsden. We are all still friends, all these years later, and we will be meeting up again next year at Alexander's wedding. Perhaps I will get them to pose for a similar shot, although I have a feeling that the GLW will not agree to wear a similar cloak!


  1. What a super photo. I only know the "Standedge" it presumably burrows under. (There's a memorial plaque to a local writer up there - I forget his name. I felt moved once to look into him. It turned out he used to write blood-curdling pieces in praise of a whole lot of now-banned bloodsports).

    Cool cloak, I think. I think they should come back. I sometimes wonder if they wouldn't be good for walking in, instead of all this modern goretex stuff and the like. Sit down with your back to a wall and you've got an instant bivi-shelter.

  2. I was thinking the other day that I need a cloak. I think it was after watching the magician in The Nutcracker swirling his around.

  3. Looks like the cover photo for a Folk album.

    1. Maybe 'Isobel and the Lock Lovers'

    2. How perfectly wonderful! lol I have several cloaks. Even if they aren't in style, I shall continue to wear them. (grin) I'm so glad you were able to get this from a scanner!!! Have a lovely lovely day.

  4. So do you suppose that totally inadequate device that Peter H. stands on is a place to tie up a barge. Like a Wind in the Willows adventure on a canal on a barge. Actually, your trio is appropriately dressed.

  5. Isobel's cloak looks wonderful. I had one too back then - but it was part of my school uniform. Jane hasn't changed much has she? It's definitely an album cover from 1973.

  6. I'm sure she would be a good sport and wear the cloak. It's surprising what we will do to relive old times.

  7. Gandalf and a couple of Hobbits!

  8. Love this one, Alan. There's something a little 'Tim Burton' about it.

  9. There's definitely something about that photo - a sort of 'otherworldliness' quality. I must say that Peter H looks a bit like Peter Sellers though...

  10. Ah yes do the same pose! I rather like Isobel's cloak but the dudes hair was scary although I remember many of my friends wearing their hair the same way..and those glasses..oh my:)

  11. I agree - very folk album. Isobrl could be auditioning for the Scottish Widows ad. I see she had the fashionable platform shoes too.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams